Chapter 6 // One Down

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You didn't get to talk to Shinso before your battle, but, when you walked onto the field of the arena, you could spot him in the audience.


'Midoriya said she only shoots her acid from her hands despite the fact that she can produce it everywhere,' you thought as the battle began.  'All I gotta do is restrain her hands and throw her out of bounds.'

"This is gonna be fun!" Mina exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at you as she charged. Acid dripped from her finger tips, signaling she was about to use her quirk.

You raised your hand, fingers spread as strings slowly seeped from the tips of your fingers before shooting forward and extending toward the other girl.

The invisible thread wrapped around Mina's wrists and brought them together, causing the mutant to shriek as you yanked your arm back and forced her to the ground. You proceeded to simply drag her out of bounds from there, but, of course, nothing was that easy.

Mina pressed her palms to the ground and created a puddle of acid, using the slippery liquid to give herself a boost as she pushed herself into a handstand, spun around, and jumped back to her feet, yanking her hands out of your restraints before raising her left hand and shooting her acid at you.

You barely dodged the chemical. It brushed against the ends of your hair before splattering on the ground out of bounds. You grabbed at your hair, observing the strands that had been burnt.

"Oh, come on," you whined, "the one thing I genuinely like about myself you had to ruin."

"Sorry!" Mina shrieked, but that didn't stop her from charging at you again.

You dove out of the way to avoid another splash of acid, and Mina quickly used her quirk to create a slope, which she used to practically chase you as you recovered with a summersault.

"I don't like running," you huffed, shooting out five strings from your fingers and guiding them to wrap around her ankle.

The mutant let out a yelp as you yanked her to the ground before using your other hand to summon more strings, which you used to restrain her hands behind her back.

"Stop your squirming," you grunted as she struggled to get out of your strings. You tightened them slightly before beginning to drag her toward the line that separated the two of you from the area that was considered out of bounds.

"Man, you hero course kids are whiney," you commented as you neared the boundary line, "and much heavier than you look."

Mina managed to free her hands but only seconds before you tossed her out of bounds by the string wrapped around her ankle. The girl grunted as she hit the girl, summoning a cloud of dust. You cringed, only realizing afterwards that you shouldn't have thrown her so hard.

"Mina is out of bounds! [Y/N] advances to the next round! The next round begins in five minutes!" Midnight announced from the stage, and you finally processed what had just happened.

"I won..." you muttered, whipping her head around and searching for Shinso in the crowd. When you found him, he was clapping slowly with a small smirk on his face. Then, he held up three fingers

'Three more,' you thought. 'If I win three more, I win the whole thing.'

"Whoa! That was totally energizing!"

You turned around to find Mina pushing herself off the ground. She brushed the dirt off her uniform before running hand through her hair and turning to look at you.

"That was epic!" she exclaimed, rushing forward and leaning close to your face. "Your quirk's awesome! I couldn't even see what was happening!"

"Um," you paused for a moment, "thanks?"

"Yep!" she replied, smiling. "Well, I'm gonna go join my class! Good luck for your next round!"

"Way too happy," you claimed as you watched her walk away before taking another route to get back to your class.


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