New Quirks

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You still have your "Puppet" quirk to its full extent. Overhaul simply harvested the invisibility aspect of your original quirk and applied it to any projectable quirks he gave you and the quirks of his colleagues. Along with additional quirks, he also enhanced your normal stats, making you stronger, faster, more agile, more durable, and have better senses (sight, smell, hearing, etc).


This quirk allows you to inflict any type of emotion or feeling upon target by saying a word that relates to that feeling and/or emotion. This quirk only works if you make eye contact with your opponent, and the effect wears off ten seconds after breaking eye contact. The only drawback of this quirk is that you cannot say the same word twice in a row

This quirk allows you to reverse the effects of someone else's quirk to the opposing effect by touching them. For example, if someone had a quirk that allowed them to explode things, by touching them, you'd gain the ability to implode things. If someone could freeze things, you'd be able to melt things.

This quirk allows you to emit several different types of gases form your body that vary in color and each have different effects. Red: inflicts inflammation/burning. Orange: causes fainting. Yellow: poison by inhalation. Green: blinds opponent for a certain extent of time depending on how much is released. Blue: causes external and internal swelling. Purple: allows you to take control of an opponent's will and control their actions. Pink: causes numbing.

This quirk was bio-made by Mimic and Overhaul. Upon hearing a command word, you become completely unable to feel, think, and act for yourself. You become a non-sentient being controlled by your "teller," whose voice is the only one you obey. When this quirk is activated, your normal stats (strength, speed, agility, durability, intelligence, etc) are amped up to the maximum, and you become an unstoppable opponent

The projectable/emitter quirks (Toxin and Paradox) are invisible to all eyes by yours.


PUPPET // KATSUKI BAKUGO [1]Where stories live. Discover now