Chapter 13 // Making Progress

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"Bakugo, Mina, [Y/N], head down. Todoroki, Momo, and Ojiro, you too," Aizawa stated, ushering the six he had named off out of the monitor room.

It was finally your groups turn to fight, which meant you were going to end up battling against a group who already fought, which just so happened to be a trio consisting of some of the best students of the class.

"Bakugo, try to cooperate," Mina said as the three of you headed down to your positions on the floor of ground beta while Todoroki's group headed up into one of the buildings.

"Don't get in my way and we won't have a problem," Bakugo grunted, almost stomping as he walked.

"Whether you like it or not," you began, "you have to cooperate and communicate. That's one of the assets of being a hero. Trust me, if I was on Todoroki's team, I would care less if you didn't listen to your teammates, but I'm not. Aizawa put us on the same team because we were opponents before. I faced both you and Mina during the festival," you glanced at the acidic girl, "so he obviously wants to see how well I can work together with you two. That and our quirks are fairly compatible."

"Stop getting all smart with me!" Bakugo snapped, stopping in his tracks and spinning around to face you. "I don't care what the hell you do! Just stay out of my way!"

You opened your mouth, poised to speak, but Mina silenced you with a hand on your shoulder as Bakugo stormed off.

"That's not even the worst of it," Mina said, watching as the blond continued on without them. "Come on."

Thankfully, Aizawa waited until you and Mina had reached Bakugo before calling for the match to begin. Immediately, Bakugo took off, using his explosions to propel himself in the air and through one of the windows of the building Todoroki, Momo, and Ojiro were spread out in.

"Looks like it's one for all," you muttered, glancing at Mina before using your strings to pull yourself up to the top of the building, similar to how Bakugo used his own quirk.

You landed upon a vent, which you had no trouble yanking open since it was already rusted and falling apart. Thankfully, it was big enough to for you fit through, and you quietly but swiftly slid down through the tunnel. You fell for a few seconds before your feet hit the vent door on the other end, and you were able to loosen it with a few kicks enough to the point where one jump sent it flying off. You jumped down, the impact of your feet against the tiled floor sending an echo through the hallway.

"You're not very stealthy making all that noise," a familiar and clam voice commented from down the hall, and you turned around as you stood up to find Todoroki staring at you.

"Still got in without tearing down the building, didn't I?" you questioned. "Bakugo's the one that broke a window."

"Aren't you supposed to be defending your teammate instead of calling him out?" Todoroki asked, one plam shining with ice and the other flaring with fire as he stepped closer.

"It's his fault if he wants to go off on his own," you replied, crouching as your strings slowly flowed from your fingers, and, with your new goggles, you were able to look directly at them without alerting Todoroki. "I've learned not to argue with him," you added.

"Suit yourself," Todoroki shrugged before sending a large slab of ice your way. The ice crawled across the ground as it speeded toward you, and you used your strings at the last second to pull yourself up.

Your back pressed against the slick, tiled ceiling, and you looked down at Todoroki, your hair hanging in front of your face as the dual haired boy finally located you. If it wasn't for your above-average upper body strength, you wouldn't have been able to hold yourself up against the ceiling no matter how strong your strings were.

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