Chapter 19 // Bonding

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"Stop staring at me."

"There's not much else to look at."

"There's a whole goddamn city outside the wall of windows in front of you."

You huffed in frustration at Bakugo's response and wrapped your arms around your legs, resting your chin on your knees as you averted your eyes to the windows.

It was nighttime now. The two of you had mostly been silent over the past few hours, only occasionally bickering. However, it was late, and you were tired and hungry.

"You know," you began, "this whole dynamic between us would work a lot better if you talked about your feelings."

"Don't tell me what to do," Bakugo replied gruffly.

"I'm not telling you to do anything," you said with a sigh. "It's a suggestion."

"Well, you can take your suggestion and shove it up your—"

"Finish that sentence I'll shove you out those windows," you interrupted, silencing the boy, who mumbled something incoherent to you as he sunk further back into his chair.

You sighed once more and turned to rest your head on your knees, staring at the wall to your right and facing away from Bakugo.

You didn't understand why he was the way he was. You knew some people had anger issues, had problems with lashing out every time they got a little bit ticked off, but that wasn't what it was like with him. He was different. If he really didn't care about people and only yearned to get his anger out, he wouldn't have have helped you during the villain fight, he wouldn't have helped you cover your bruises, and he sure as hell would've gotten kicked out of U.A already. He was angry, but he was also guarded. He didn't want to let people in, and by being rude, he simultaneously pushed everyone away.

"You don't trust people," you spoke quietly after a few minutes of silence. "It's not that you hate everyone. You just can't trust everyone. You have this mental wall you've built up that's preventing you from letting people in."

"When are you gonna stop telling me what I am and what I'm feeling?" Bakugo questioned. You expected him to snap at you, but his voice was rather calm.

"I'm not telling you anything. I'm stating a fact," you replied. "If you're ever gonna be a hero, you need to let people in, learn to work as a team."

"You don't get to tell me what-" Bakugo began. However, you interrupted him before he could say anything else.

"And if I'm gonna be a hero, I need to learn to let people proceed with things in their own way," you continued.

You lifted your head and looked at Bakugo, who was now crouched on the cushioned chair he was sat in, his arms draped over his knees as he looked at you. His left eyebrow was arched in confusion as he stared at you with narrowed eyes and his mouth ajar.

"I'm not gonna force you to talk about your feelings," you stated. "I'm not you're therapist. I'm not getting paid to help you deal with your emotions, but I will listen if you have something you want to say whenever you feel like saying it whether that's in a few hours or a few years."

"Now you're talkin' like my old hag slipped you some cash to talk to me," Bakugo responded, his voice loud and a scoff leaving his throat. "I don't need you being all sappy on me, so don't expect it the other way around."

"Fine," you shrugged, "but you sure as hell know that Jeanist isn't going to let us out of here until we learn to communicate like civilized people instead of cat and mouse."

"Then stop taking the bait," Bakugo snapped.

"Oh, Bakugo," you shook your head, standing up with a small smirk, "who said I'm the mouse?"

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