Chapter 69 // Love Follows

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At the sound of Shinso's concerned voice uttering out your name, Bakugo came to a halt and turned around to see what the commotion was.

His eyes widened at the sight in front of him, at the sight of your body jerking in all different angles and eyes staring ahead as if you were a vulture about to swoop down and kill its desired prey.

"What the hell?..." he couldn't help but mutter out before turning to look at his teacher. However, Aizawa stood in just as much shock as his two students as he stared at the newfound beast in front of them.

"Mr. Aizawa," Shinso began, "what just happened?"

"I don't know," Aizawa began, slowly beginning to back away, "but I think it's best if we distance ourselves."

"We're not leaving her!" Bakugo snapped.

"I never said we were," Aizawa a replied before grabbing the blond by his shoulder. He pulled Bakugo with him as he backed away. "Just keep yourself at a distance," the hero continued. "Don't trigger her."

"Trigger?" Shinso questioned with a scoff. "Why are you talking like she's some kind of animal?"

"I'm afraid, as of right now, she is," Aizawa stated. "I don't know what's wrong with her. It could be another quirk. It could be something engineered by Overhaul. Whatever it is, she doesn't have control over it. She'll have no problem killing us right here, so I'm asking you two to be patient and quiet until I figure something out."

"We don't have time," Bakugo growled, shrugging his teacher's hand off of his shoulder. "Deku's fighting that bastard. The least we can do is handle [L/N]. That's our mission, remember? If she's gonna play rough, we'll have to do the same."

"What happened to not fighting her?" Shinso wondered. "We agreed on not hurting her."

"That," Bakugo pointed to you or rather the animalistic being that now stood in front of them, "is not [L/N]. That thing wants to kill us. We need to subdue her before she can. We're not gonna hurt her. We just need to play a little rough."

"I know you hate it when Bakugo's right, Shinso," Aizawa said with a tired sigh, "but he is right. We need to subdue [L/N] as soon as possible. If we run, she'll follow us. That could interfere with the fight between Midoriya and Overhaul, and it could put bystanders in danger. If we're gonna subdue her, it needs to be here, away from everything else." Shinso let out an aggravated huff as he rolled his eyes.

"Fine," the lilac haired boy reluctantly agreed. "What's the plan?"

"Split up, but stay on the roof," Aizawa began. "As soon as someone makes any sudden movements, she's gonna charge. We need to move in unison in three different directions. Based on her eyes now, she can't use her peripheral vision, so she'll lock on one of us and keep that target."

"What if that's me?" Shinso asked. "I can't legally fight, and, even if I could, I'm pretty sure she's not gonna stop to have a conversation."

"Let's just hope she doesn't," Aizawa stated. "On three, break off. I'll take the right. Shinso, take the left. Bakugo, whatever it is that you do."

"Bad idea givin' me free range, Teach," Bakugo replied with a gruff chuckle as he slammed his right fist into his left palm, sparking an explosion.

"One," Aizawa began, leaning to the right as Shinso shifted to left, "two," Bakugo lowered his head, maintaining eye contact with you in hopes the stare down would tempt you to come after him, "three!"

Aizawa and Shinso simultaneously sprinted in their set direction, and Bakugo used his explosions to propel himself up into the air.

You glanced between Aizawa and Shinso, but your attention eventually settled on Bakugo, who hovered above you, explosions crackling within his hands.

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