Chapter 17 // Enemies

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You kept yourself at a distance for the beginning of the fight, using things around to to your advantage such as blocks of rubble and street signs. This guy was at least twice your height, and his frame was quadruple that of yours. However, eventually, it had begun to be too difficult to keep a distance as the villain was getting too close to fleeing citizens and no heroes had arrived yet.

"Alright, big guy," you muttered, tilting you head to the side and observing the man's frame, "let's see how well you're standing after a few kicks."

This guy didn't seem to have many weak spots with his body completely buffed out, but you noticed how he kept a consistent straight posture. It was clearly slouching wasn't an option on for him. If he leaned even a little too much one the wrong direction, he'd lose his balance as his stature didn't completely match in proportion to the width of his body.

Your eyes eventually settled upon a nearby telephone phone, and you glanced at the man, who was recovering from being hit in the face with a cinder block, before running toward the pole, using your strings to give yourself an extra boost as you swung yourself around it, adding to your already above average speed, and flung yourself at the villains back. Your feet connected with the man's back harshly, leaving faint imprints from your dirtied boots on his skin as he stumble forward in a hunched position.

Before he could recovery completely, you dropped down into his back and jumped, further digging the soles of your boots into his body and slamming him stomach first into the ground.

"I've had enough of this, kid!" the villain shouted, pushing himself up at a quick pace, causing you to stumble and fall to the ground.

You didn't have time to get to your feet as the man lunged and wrapped his hand around your throat, his fingers digging into your skin and surely leaving bruises as he lifted you off the ground.

You slowly began to zone out from a quick decrease in oxygen as the villain proceeded to choke you. Your ears tuned in on the shouts and cries from bystanders.

"Someone help her!"

"She's just a kid, you filthy villain!"

"Mighty Mouse!"

At the sound of a the nickname, you forced yourself to look around despite the situation you were in, and you spotted a familiar angry blond pushing himself through the crowd of civilians watching the scene.

"Where are the heroes?"

"Someone do something!"

"Get out of my damn way!"

You heard Bakugo's loud and demanding voice from somewhere in the crowd, and you coughed as you clawed at the villains hand around your throat.

This wasn't going to be how you went down, especially with Bakugo there. This wasn't how this was going to end. You weren't going to let yourself die at the hands of a wannabe villain. It wasn't going to happen.

Grunting, you thrusted your legs up and wrapped them around the villains neck, squeezing your thighs around his head and eventually distracting him enough for him to release you. You inhaled deeply before dropping back, tightening your legs around the villain, and pressing your hands against the debris covered ground. You let out a huff of frustration as you channeled your strength to your legs and flipped the villain over your body, slamming him back first onto the ground.

You then looked around, searching for something to use to your advantage as your natural strength wasn't enough. You eventually spotted a partially destroyed car, and, once you were sure no civilians were inside, you shot out your strings and wrapped them around the machinery. You planted your feet and bent your knees, flexing your biceps as you began to pull the vehicle toward you. You glanced between the car and the villain, who was now beginning to stand, and you forced yourself to exert your strength as you used your strings as a makeshift slingshot and flung the car at the man, forcing him back to the ground.

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