𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 2

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Ep 2...WTF






[ Cynthia's  PoV ]

I ran after Kitty but she stopped when she shouted.

Kitty : Dae, I don't wanna talk to you. Just leave me-

She turned around to see me.

Alex : Sorry, I'm just looking for the loo.

Cynthia : And I'm here chasing a friend.

Alex : I'm Alex Finnerty, from Melbourne, Australia. Im a new teacher here.

 He walks up to Kitty and I followed along.

Kitty looked a little shocked.

Kitty : Why are you not Dae?

I gave her a ' are you serious? ' look.

Alex : You mean the guy you didn't want to talk to?

Mr. Finnerty or Alex said in confusion.

I just slowly tuned out their weird conversation before Kitty ran back in. 

Cynthia : Nice meeting Mr Finnertly!

I gave a small smile before chasing after Kitty again.

I walked beside her giving her a reassuring smile.

We walked up to Q and.... Min Hoe *cough* I mean Min Ho

Kitty : Excuse me

Min Ho : This girl treats Korean guys like Pokemon. She's trying to catch them all.

I let a small smile be fore giving a bored expression to Min Ho. I just wanna wipe that smug look off his face.

Cynthia : Not everything is about you Min Ho...

I gave an apologetic smile to Kitty.

Min Ho gave shot me that stupid good looking smirk of his before turning to Kitty.

Min Ho : Not interested.

Kitty : Get over yourself. I'm looking for Dae.

Q : Okay who are you?

Q shot her a questioning look.

Kitty : I'm Kitty Song Covey.

Both Min Ho and Q looked at her surprised .

Q : Your Kitty?

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