𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 3

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Ep 3...KISS









[ Cynthia's PoV ]

Walking down the hallway alone feels weird, usually I'm with Yuri or Q but they are no where to be found.

This year is going to be different, I'm going to pull my grades as high as I can. I can't fail another year right?

While walking down, I saw Yuri and Dae holding hands while walking down the hallway.

Yuri spotted me and waved happily. The hell is wrong with her?

I just rolled my eyes before walking away. The nerves shes got. 

My new mission now is to find Kitty.

Walking to Literature, I spotted Kitty lost at the stairs with that new teacher.

Cynthia : Kitty!

I walked up to her.

Kitty : Hey Cynthia! Where you going?

Cynthia : Literature.

Kitty : Me too! Let's go!

She hurriedly dragged me along. I waved at the new teacher goodbye and just followed her.

That teacher seems nice.

Not gonna lie, Literature? Not my style. I usually just sleep in that class since I'm sitting at the back.

After that torture was over, it was finally time to eat.

I always sat with Yuri but she seems occupied with Dae and whatever the others are. I sighed before walking to Q and Kitty.

Cynthia : Sup Q.

Q : Sup, whatcha doin here? Thought you'd sit with Yuri.

Cynthia : Yea, no thanks.

I glanced over at Kitty with a knowing look.

Kitty : I know, I'm a matchmaker.

Kitty said with confidence. Well I don't understand but cool.

Q yawned and glanced at some thing or someone in front of him. Kitty and I turned around to see Florian. Never interacted with him but he seems cool.

Kitty turned around back to Q, giving him a knowing smirk.

Kitty : You like him.

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