Dear Beth

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Dear Beth,
Okay, I know your probably gonna think this is SUPER wierd!
Writing letters to a dead person?!
Yup, your probably looking down on me right now thinking, 'girl, get some therapy!'
But that's the thing.
I CANT!!!!
Because if I do mum will find out about me starving myself and the way I feel about my body.
And all my disorders.....
And I CANT let that happen.
If she finds out, I will never be skinny.
But I really need someone to talk to right now.
And you were the closest person to me.
Until that accident....
I really miss you.
Everyone does.
But me?
I NEED you.
And yet I can't have you.
So this is the closest thing I can get to talking to you.
And it's low-key kinda helping.
So now, I'm just gonna write in this diary to you whenever I feel the need to complain to you about school, or my disorders, or my friend problems, or my boy problems.
Frick, I really miss our middle of the night Tea sessions.
You did so much for me in the time we had together.
You died so young,
Too young.
16 years is not long enough to live.
And yes, thirteen years of knowing eavhother is a long time but it's still not enough.
Especially when your sisters.
But anyway, I have to go now.
Stupid mum wants me to get ready for bed.


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