Chapter 1: Twelve Years Later

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*Fourth's POV*

" Papa!!! Hurry!! We're almost late!"

Hi, this is Fourth by the way and that kid shouting, is Raiwin. One of my triplets. Yes that Alpha left me not only with twenty five thousand baht and a pair of clothes but also extra baggage.

Not just one but three.

My three handsome Alphas.

"I'm so sorry my munchkins. 2 more minutes please. I'm almost done."

Yes after that night, I tried to keep moving on with life. Using that money I've earned, I was able to have my mom treated. The operation was successful and she's still with us until now. She could no longer work though. Then a few weeks after that, I discovered that I was impregnated by him. At that time, I was so afraid to tell mom because of the obvious reason but eventually she found out about my condition so I told her the truth then. We were crying so hard that day but instead of scolding me. Mom kissed me non-stop while saying sorry.

She's blaming herself for the way I'd become but I assured her that if given another chance, I would still do the same thing if it is the only way to keep her alive.

I stopped attending school when I found out that I was pregnant to avoid the gossip of our neighbors. Mom and I decided to move to Pattaya right after she received her early retirement to start a new life where no one knows us.

There's still some talk about me being pregnant and unmated but we just ignored it.

I conceived my children alone for nine months and those are the hardest times of my life.

I've been through a lot even after my pregnancy. I'm struggling here and there just to get as many part time jobs as possible to buy my kid's diapers and milk formula.

Luckily, I met my co-owner of Veggies & Yums, Mark Pakin. That was 2 years after my pregnancy and we became best buddies. He tried to pursue me actually but I made it clear to him that I am not into being in a relationship. He was very persistent though even if he'll get rejected by me all the time. Good thing that he was able to meet his mate now.

He offered me a job at his restaurant. I became one of their cooks for almost 5 years. Mark's omega is very humble as well. In fact, Khun Ford often asks me to bring my children to the restaurant so that he can play with them. They were not blessed by a child because of Ford getting sick that made him infertile so he really loved being with kids.

When I had enough funds to start my business, I quit my job, moved back to Bangkok and established Veggies and Yums. It was just a small food stall at first but luckily the students from nearby schools loved my meals. My business boomed fruitfully until I was able to renovate my place into an actual resto. Upon hearing that I was able to start my own business, Mark offered to merge our food businesses and since he was my friend, I accepted the offer. Now we already have four branches all over Bangkok and 3 there in Pattaya. Sometimes every summer vacation, Mark and Ford are visiting us here just to see the triplets.

In the end, all of those hardships were like bubbles in the air right after I saw my kids. They are my life now and there's nothing I can't do for them.

"Papa!! Don't call us that anymore! We're already eleven." Speaking of the devils.

"Okay khrup. maybe big boys now but remember, I am the one who put baby powder on your peewees back then!" I playfully said to tease them.

"Papa!!! Stop." They said in unison while trying to cover my mouth.

The three of them are very hyped in their very own way. It's like they are in a sugar rush all day if they have enough sleep or if they're in their comfort zones. Especially Raiwin. He is the first born. He's the sporty one among the three of them. He likes to be outside with his peers in the village instead of staying at home. Opposite of Shaun who is the nerdy type. He likes to read books about advanced science and mathematics. He's the clingy one too. He's always seeking attention like hugs or kisses. Sometimes I can't help it but think that he's an Omega in an Alpha's body. Lastly, is Araun. He is the musician in the family. He likes to play instruments especially guitar. He even composed a song for me once last father's day.

At Last I found You, My Omega ( GeminiFourth Omegaverse AU )Where stories live. Discover now