Chapter 13: Let the Chasing begin (Part 1)

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Today is a very busy monday for me. All I did was to stay in my office finishing all the paperwork I left behind when I was in the hospital. Moreover, I am also doing some spot checks with all the preparations for the upcoming anniversary party of the café as well as the birthday celebration of my boys.

So far, everything is on track except for one.

The strawberry cupcake.

Gemini outbid me to it and Mr Chivaaree could no longer reproduce the said product due to the ongoing shortage of strawberries. We tried to look for another patissier around the area but we had been out of luck. Now I'm so doomed. I promised the kids that I'll have something with strawberries for their birthday but here I am, no pies, no cupcakes, no jams, etc.

All I did was groan in frustration.,

*Tok. Tok. Tok*

A loud knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts all of the sudden.

It was Winny who was holding something from behind while grinning like an idiot.

"What's that smile on your face? " I asked as soon as he arrived at my desk.

"Guess what? Someone got some flowers today uwu!"

Winny squealed in his giggles as he handed over a bouquet of fresh sunflowers to me.

"For me?" I asked while pointing at myself

"Uh-huh. The delivery guy said it's for Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul of veggies and Yums. So it's definitely yours duh. Wanna see the delivery receipt?" Win as he hand over a piece of paper. It was the delivery receipt with my name on it.

But who would send me flowers though?

" My goodness! You got yourself a man? A MAN..Fourth!!! Who is the unlucky guy? Is he hot? Handsome? Oh.. oh... Is he an Alpha or a beta? Come on!! Spill me the details."

"What the hell Win? FYI, they should be lucky to have me and besides, I ain't got someone to talk about." I said as I scan the bouquet for a card or something. As far as I remember I am single.

"Hmmp I don't believe you. Come on, look for the card to see who it was from. "

" I'm currently doing it. Aren't I? Uhm where is it.....wait there's no card."

I scanned the bouquet again just to make sure that I did not miss a spot but there is really no card at all.

Win and I look at each other rather confused.

"Maybe the delivery guy dropped it somewhere?"

"Maybe so." I said before sniffing the flowers. "I wonder who sent these lovely blooms to me though?"

"Maybe you got a stalker my friend." Winny teased me with a mischievous look. " Kidding. Alright, I'll be back to my seat then. I just came here to bring these lovelies. Jaa nee (bye2x)"

"Stalker my ass. Er...That sounds creepy."

I said while hugging myself right after Winny left. The idea of having a stalker creeps the hell out of me Ughh... It made me uncomfortable somehow but then, my reverie was put in a halt when my office phone suddenly rang.

"Good Morning. This is Fourth Nattawat of Veggies and yums."

"Good morning baby. So.. did you like my morning surprise?" What the...ughh... I should have known.

" Wait how were you able to get into my line directly? "

" I have my way baby. Now going back, how's my surprise for you? "

At Last I found You, My Omega ( GeminiFourth Omegaverse AU )Where stories live. Discover now