Ch2 An Unexpected Reunion

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Warning: The wooloo is in bad condition but they are ok. Feel free to suggest a name for the new wooloo you'll get later.


The most perfect small town of memories and happiness you've come to know and adore. Filled with friends- ...No . Family. And experiences you'd never forget even after you'd be long gone. In ways that would change you for the better forever. You'd happily call this place your permanent home. Your REAL home that you've never had before you had tumbled out of the sky and met your friends and they became your family. You'd happily stay here forever if you could. And you would. Stay in Galar you mean. This was your home now. You had no desire to leave it or your new family behind in this wonderful region, but you did have a desire to spread your wings and live independently, which was why you broke the news to your friends and land lady that morning.

"What?! But couldn't you just find somewhere in Postwick to live? I'm sure there's somewhere if you looked."

You expected this reaction from Hop. The purple haired boy would be sad to see his friend go considering Gloria was currently being trained by Kabu. Beside him Victor seemed just as surprised looking at you too. Everyone seemed to be surprised by your words when you announced it but held up a hand to calm them all down.

"I'm not leaving yet, Hop. I haven't even found a place to move too, but I don't want to rent your mom's basement forever either. I love it here and I really like being around you guys, but there's no where available in Postwick to live, and soon I'd really like my own place to stay. I just wanted to let everyone know in advance."

"Well you're not going anywhere far right?'

"Like I said I haven't decided yet. But you shouldn't worry about it. When Im ready,  you'll be the first people I'll be telling." 

The two teen boys didn't look too convinced but luckily Mrs. L came in to your rescue. "Now boys. You shouldn't expect Y/n to live in our basement forever." She spoke calmly. "She's a young woman with her own life to live just like Leon and everyone else. You should be understanding for her." Both instantly dialed back and relaxed. At least you didn't wait until last minute to tell them. "Have you gotten any idea of where you'll be going?"

You blinked at her. "Huh? Oh. No. Not yet. But I was hoping for somewhere quiet." You sighed. "After all I've been through, it would be a nice change to just have a little peace and quiet for once."

"I understand that. If you need help with finding anyplace, I can make a few calls to some friends I have in the country side to see if they know anyone selling."

"That'd be great! Thanks!" You smiled. 

"In the meantime, would you run an errand for me?" Mrs. L asked holding up a small piece of paper. "I have to clean out the shed today. Would you run out and get the groceries while I'm busy?"

"Oh sure!" You smiled and took the list from her. At the mention of getting food, Silver perked up from the floor. "I'd be happy to help!"

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