Ch4 New Territory In Turrffield

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(Warning: mentioning of death. The backstory for Milo and his brother is NOT cannon and is only for the story. Thank you to everyone who suggested a name for the new Pokemon. The wooloo shall now be named Mary Lou.)


Felix had to quickly dive in order to make sure Milo didn't drop the giant gift basket they had brought over, practically shoving it back into his brothers hands jostling Milo back from shock and having him stumble to catch himself. You giggled as he straightened back up red faced and embarrassed.

"I-I-I mean of COURSE it's you!" He smiled a bit too widely flustered under your smile. "I mean W-Who else w-w-would it be?! You're the only Y/n after all! *Ahem*...W-What are you doing here?"

"I live here now." You gestured to the house behind you. "I just bought it a week ago and settled all the paperwork."

"Wow! Really?" Felix lit up. "that's great! What made you want to move into Turrffield?"

"I wanted to settle down somewhere quiet and peaceful and Turrffield was the perfect place for it all. It reminds me of Postwick kinda, but there wasn't any space there. And Turrffield offers a bit more open space which I like." You glanced back to Milo whom was still blushing. "But what's this?"

"We brought you over a gift basket." Felix elbowed Milo in the ribs making him jolt. 

"UH YEAH THIS IS FOR YOU!!," he blurted out quickly holding out the large basket to you.

"It's got some home grown food and preservatives made by yours truly! It's a tradition of sorts to give any new comers some of Turrffield's very own pride and joy!," Felix proudly explained as you took the basket from Milo, "It was Milo's idea. He's friendly and considerate like that."

Your eyes scanned across the basket you had to use both arms to carry and smiled. "Wow. This would definitely help save on groceries. Thank you!" You then stepped back a bit. "Would you like to come in? I don't have much but you're welcome to stay for lunch. It'd be the least I could do for all the kindness you showed me."

Before Milo could say anything he yelped as his brother pushed him forward into the home. "We would LOVE to!" 

He had no choice but to stumble inside the house with Felix  pushing behind him.  The house looked...Well it was as generic and plain as a home could be he supposed. Barely any furniture was about, he guessed Old Man Jenkins took most of the original furniture when he moved out, and the house looked pretty simplified. He stood there gulping as the door closed behind them and a moment later you walked back into view with a smile. 

"Would you guys like some lunch? I'm not much of a cook but I could offer you some food I have in the kitchen."

"U-Um..S-S-Sure." He gulped. "Y-Your h-house looks n-nice."

"Thanks. I haven't had much time to decorate yet." You motioned your head. "C'mon. The kitchen's this way."

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