Ch 8 Feelings Known

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"Milo." He held up the formal official document to him. "This is an official league document from the Chairwoman."

Milo paused..before finally looking at his brother's disappointed frown. "Oh? What did it say?"

"We weren't picked to go."

Milo didn't miss the disappointed in his little brother's eyes and tone as he held up a letter with an official league symbol, Daisy baaed next to his feet. Milo blinked before abandoning the ornaments and turning to take the already opened letter from Felix. He opened it, quickly skimmed the inside of the envelope, and hummed with a small frown.

"Oh. That's too bad, but we can't expect everyone to be picked to go. Some of the league have to stay behind to help take care of things here."

"Yeah. I know." Felix grumbled taking off his cap with a frown. "But I really wanted to go!...I guess the prince didn't like I was the first one who lost in the battle tower event."

"Hey. That's not true. You did an amazing job out there, and I know you made everyone in Turrffield proud of you." The cap was taken by Milo and plopped back on top of Felix's head as he blinked and Milo smiled. "I know I was really proud. And remember battled aren't all about winning. Winning is nice but battles are about building up strength and sharing life experiences with people and pokemon. The most important thing is to have fun. Even small experiences make it all worthwhile."

...Felix gave a small huff, but smiled and reached a hand to straighten his cap back on his head. "Yeah. I guess you're right. But still...I wanted to go really badly."

"Hm. Tell you what, work hard to catch up on school and if you're all caught up by next summer then we'll take a full vacation to the Pasio Region!"

Green eyes widened as Felix's mouth dropped open. "Wait. For real?!"

Milo nodded. "But you're gonna have to work hard. You have a lot of catching up to do with us taking time off for the gym challenge last year and the prince's visit. Think you can handle that?"

"OF COURSE I CAN!! YOU CAN COUNT ON ME! I'LL GET STARTED RIGHT NOW!!" Felix turned on his heels to leave but paused mid step as a thought crossed his mind and he slowly looked back at his brother. "Hey, Milo." He hummed. "When are you gonna tell that lady you like her?"

Immediately red EXPLODED across his face as Milo stumbled over his words. "F-F-Felix! I'm not-"

"She already knows about your feelings. And I know that you know that she already knows. And I know that you already confessed and OBVIOUSLY she likes you back! My wingman skills totally worked, and you're natural charm! So why not just go ahead and make it official already?"

Milo sputtered again gesturing at nothing. "I-Its... complicated Felix! I mean...I know that she knows that I know but s-she also knows T-That I know I n-need time to think this over carefully and d-decide on what best works for me then Ill know and be sure to let her know. Y'know?"

Felix nodded. "Oh. I know. But just to let you know I already took the Liberty of inviting her over for Christmas dinner." He then turned back around. "I'm going to try to study and get a lot of that schoolwork done up. C'mon Daisy!"

Daisy let out a loud baa as Felix walked away and Milo was left red faced with a box of ornaments. "S-Shes coming over f-f-for Christmas d-d-dinner?" He gulped. "O-Oh sweet wooloo knitted sweaters."

Seems he wasn't lying. Milo had finished putting up the decorations and two weeks of regular chores and duties had passed, when it arrived. Christmas Eve. The happiest day of the year and one of the busiest. There was Christmas bonuses he had to mail the checks out to the many people working under him, last minute gift wrapping (he had just finished placing Felix's gifts under the tree), and shoveling snow from the pathways around Turrffield. And all of those things came AFTER he finished his regular chores as a famer taking care of his wooloo herd and land. Sigh. At least all he had to do now was cook Christmas dinner. Which was what he was doing that exact moment. The kitchen was filled with delicious smells as a few dishes were already ready to eat set up on the table while there was still others being slowly cooked either on the stove or oven. Milo hummed away as he stirred the stuffing on the stovetop. It should be done in another ten minutes. Green eyes looked up when small hooves clip clipped their way in and Daisy walked her way over towards the table with a hungry look in her eyes.

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