Ch3 An Unexpected Reunion P2

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The day had been good so far. 

Turrffield was a town of peace and quiet. Most of the time it was anyways. Unless some of his wooloo got out, or if he was battling at his local gym. Otherwise it was pretty peaceful, which was how he liked it most of the time. Nothing could beat the way the breeze quietly blew through the fields and the wooloos cutely baaed their own language as they played in the fields. That day had been no different, when he had gotten up bright and early and started the day by making breakfast for himself and Felix. They had a lot to do today so they were going to need a good meal to start off. Speaking of said little brother- Smaller footsteps came from upstairs and got closer and closer until Felix appeared bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning Milo!," Felix greeted with a smiling as he walked right up to him, attracted to the sight, smell, and sounds of sizzling sausage and eggs. "I see you got breakfast already done."

He gave a smile of his own back to his baby brother. "Hahaha! Actually you're just in time for me to serve it to you." The pan with said food was lifted off the stove top as Milo turned to the table, spatula in the other hand. 

"Oh yum!" Felix wasted no time to jump into the nearest chair with a plate set in front of it just in time for Milo to push some of the desired food on it with a tilt of his pan. 

It made his brother chuckle. "Careful. It's hot since I just took it off the stove. Hows the online classes coming along?"

"Just fine! I got a B back from the history exam we did the other day." 

"That's great, Felix! You're making great progress on everything. I'm proud of you! Make sure you eat up. We have a lot of work to get done this weekend."

Felix gave him a look grabbing the fork. "What's on the agenda this time, Mi?"

"Oh lots of things. We have to clean out the barn, store the hay bails in the barn once we clean it, and we have to sheer the wooloo's tomorrow so we can ship it off. It's going to be a lot of work to get done in two days but I'm sure we can get it done if we work together."

Felix nodded before pausing. "Hey. Milo." His brother hummed. "Has-..H-Has anyone called about Daisy yet?"

It was Milo's turn to pause before giving a sad frown. "Oh. Sorry, Felix. No one's seen her yet, but don't worry. She'll pop up soon! I know it!"

Felix's expression didn't look up from his uneaten food. "...I miss her Milo. I really do."

"I know, Buddy. I do too." He hummed. "...Tell you what. It shouldn't take us too long to get the barn ready and hay stored. As soon as we're done with that we can go look for her again. How does that sound?"

"Y-Yeah. I think I'd like that a lot."

"That's the spirit! Go ahead and eat up. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can take a look around town again."

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