Hello people! Sorry for the slight delay, but things do happen. But holy-moly! (Is that how it's spelled?) Over 20,000 reads!! You guys really don't know how much that means to me so thank you for all the support! I really appreciate it!
Chapter 19: Corgi Dogs and Cars in Ponds
My eyes fluttered open as I saw a few figures getting up. It was hard to see when the only light source was the TV. I groaned and wanted to punch whoever woke me up. The nerve of them, taking me out of my dreamland.
“Sorry,” I heard a whisper.
I blinked a few times and saw Logan giving me a small smile. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Jerk,” I mumbled. I lazily flopped over to Naomi, who was giving Danny his jacket and a kiss on the cheek. “Hey Nay? Is it okay if I spend the night?”
She bobbed her head. “Sure, I’ll get you the phone to tell your mom.”
I turned back to Logan and gave him a sleepy smile. “Thanks for coming out with us today. I had fun.”
He returned the smile and crouched down so his eyes were level with mine. “It was my pleasure. I had fun too.”
I stared warily at him. “Are you sure I’m not dreaming? Because the last time I thought you said that you had fun with me was when you replied that you said you would rather have your arm ground into arm-meat by a meat grinder.”
“I don’t think I said the words ‘arm-meat’,” he smirked.
I pulled on the blanket, which had magically appeared while I was sleeping, until it was up to my chin. “You know what I mean.”
He rolled his eyes. “No, I’m not lying. But even if I was, you wouldn’t have to worry since that tackle you gave me is enough punishment. I’ll be sore in the morning thanks to you.”
I smiled. “The highlight of my day.”
“Logan! Stop your horrible flirting and get your ass over here,” Ryan called over. “Or we’re leaving without you.”
He sighed and patted my leg as he got up, “I’ll be seeing you.”
“See you later, Logan. Have a goodnight.”
“You too. Oh, wait,” he stopped and turned to me. “Is there anything in particular you want for lunch?”
I grinned. “It only has to be edible for me to like it.”
He nodded and was soon out the door with Gwen, Ryan, and Danny. I still had a slight smile on my face when the door closed, but it completely vanished when Naomi plopped down on the armrest next to me and cheered,
“Your ninth date is tomorrow!”
“You are zipping through these dates! Can you believe you only have three more?” Nay asked me as she sorted through her closet for my next date outfit.
“Four more by including this one,” I mumbled as flipped the page of some gaudy magazine I had found lying on the floor.
It was horrifying that this stuff went through girl’s head when going on dates. Wouldn’t they be more focused on finding escape routes or trying to not embarrass themselves? Since when did girls want to know the proper technique on how to stuff their bra or what shade of lipstick is right for kissing? I mean, seriously? I’m pretty sure a guy doesn’t care about the “tropical” look of your lips, well, only if they aren’t as “tropical” as Ryan’s spray tan. Ha ha.

12 Weeks, 12 Dates
Novela JuvenilMeet Piper Hollows. She doesn't like to go out if she has the choice not to. She has things to do and is perfectly fine being in her room on Saturday nights, with her huge pride, her many piles of books, and her sketch pad full of the stick figures...