Hello peoples! I'm sorry for the very late update, but school was busy with a bunch of projects due :( On the upside, break is now here for me so hopefully I can getupdates out a bit quicker.Anyway, here's chapter 21 (finally) and I hope you enjoy!!
Chapter 21: There's Nothing Quite Like ABBA, Cinnamon, and Family
"Ugh, just a few more dates and I'll be done," I said from the back seat in Danny's car. I was all dressed for my tenth date with a guy named Seth, and I have to admit, I'm starting to get used to these date outfits (as long as they're not those monstrosities otherwise known as dresses. Those things are evil creatures and deserved to burn in hell. I mean, the last time I wore a dress, I ended up getting my skin peeled off along with a concussion. Yeah, no more for me, thank you very much).
Another thing I've learned from this whole experience is that it's great to have friends, but not so great when all six of you are piled into a car. A small car to be exact. Well, it could originally pack in five people, but even that was a tight squeeze. So that's how I ended up being smushed between Logan and Gwen and even though I was the one all dressed up, Nay insisted on sitting up front with Danny because she couldn't bear it if her freshly curled locks got ruined.
Yep. That was her valid argument.
"Ugh, I can't wait for this stupid bet to be over with," I spoke again. "After this, it's no more dating for me."
Logan looked at me, "Really?"
I nodded, but then stopped myself, "Well, maybe until I'm like thirty and have gone through numerous amounts of therapy and hypnosis to forget this bet ever existed. That way, I can start out fresh! And my mother would stop nagging, Why haven't you got married? or Where's my grandchildren? I only have a few years left in me, you know," I babbled on in a witch-like voice.
"No, I meant like, in your high school years," he murmured.
"Oh, then hell yeah! I'm sick of all these crappy dates. I will be done with dating guys for a long time," I declared.
Ryan lifted his head up, "Did you hear that, any guy who might be interested in Piper? She won't be dating for a long time. A very looooooong time," he emphasized the words.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Warning the universe you plan to be single," he answered.
I laughed. "I think the universe knows that since all the guys I've been with have been total weirdoes and just plain unappealing."
"I'm sure the universe has put one guy that stands out to you, right?" Logan asked.
"When I meet him, you'll be the first one I tell," I responded.
He leaned (more like smacked) his head against the window. I looked over at him, "You okay?"
"Just freakin' peachy."
Gwen patted my arm to get my attention, "He hasn't been getting a lot of sleep lately. That's why he's so cranky."
"Oh," I nodded. I touched Logan's shoulder. "You should get some sleep. You're not as fun to be around when you're upset."
He looked at my hand then at me, "Why do you always do that?"
"Do what? Touch your shoulder? I don't always do that," I said, pulling my hand back. He was probably one of those guys that thought any sort of touching was weird. Well then I guess he should just stop breathing because he's technically touching the air that I have breathed out. And he was even the one who offered to share his seat with me! That boy needs to get his priorities straight.

12 Weeks, 12 Dates
Teen FictionMeet Piper Hollows. She doesn't like to go out if she has the choice not to. She has things to do and is perfectly fine being in her room on Saturday nights, with her huge pride, her many piles of books, and her sketch pad full of the stick figures...