Hello everyone! Well, here's Chapter 22 and I hope you all like it! Yep, it's another long one, which can be bittersweet at points, but all the same, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 22: Elevators and Rockin' Dance Moves!
"Thanks again for visiting me; that was sweet of you guys. And the flowers were a nice touch," I said on Monday at lunch.
Nay did a little head bow, "Thank ya very much." She turned to Daniel, "I told you she liked tulips more than roses. Roses are so cliché! Not to mention super expensive nowadays."
"It's not like that mattered to you anyway," Logan scoffed, "since I'm the one who bought everything. Even those damn marshmallows."
Danny shrugged. "You're fault for not forgetting your wallet."
"Or lying that you forgot it," Ryan added in. Danny gave him an approving nod.
"Hey, seeing you guys with the marshmallows was probably the best part of the night," I admitted. "Anything was better than having to sit through a whole bunch of criticizing comments from an overbearing mother. Not to mention ABBA karaoke," I grumbled at the memory.
"It'll get better Piper," Gwen smiled. "And even if it doesn't, we'll all still love you."
I rolled my eyes and took a bite out of my sandwich. "Yeah, right."
"It's true. We don't rush to the hospital with marshmallows in our cheeks for just any redhead you know," Danny pointed at me with his fork.
I scoffed, but Nay cut off my next retort by proudly proclaiming, "Which is why you'll be staying over at my house on Saturday night."
"Is that your way of showing gratitude towards our friendship?" I smirked.
She bobbed her head. "That and 'cause I know that soon enough, you'll be whisked away by your Prince Charming and we won't have as many girl-bonding times."
I actually laughed. "I don't think so Nay. If you've paid any attention to my previous dates, finding my so-called Prince Charming in one of the last two is highly unlikely. And besides, when I do find that special someone," I almost gagged on saying those words, "it's still not going to affect any of my friendships at this table. He'll have to be friends with all of you if we were ever going to be a couple."
"Check!" Gwen said as she made a checkmark in the air. She must have seen the confused look I was giving her because she explained, "I just thought that you made a wonderful point. The guy should not only be one of your best friends, but one of ours as well."
I made a face, "Eww, you make it sound like I should date one of the guys," I pointed at all three of boys at our table. "And Danny is already taken, so that just leaves me with these two," I jerked my thumbs at each guy beside me. "Can't you give me more options?"
"Aw come on, what do ya say, Piper?" Ryan grinned as he put his arm around my waist and pulled me a bit closer. "I am quite charming. And I have had others comment on my princely physique."
I scooted away from him. "Yeah...I'm not one for the princes or the pretty boys who spray tan themselves to look like a carrot."
His eyes flashed. "That was one time!"
"Whoa, what's this?" Danny asked with his eyebrows raised.
Ryan glared at me, "Thanks Piper. You promised you wouldn't tell anybody."

12 Weeks, 12 Dates
Teen FictionMeet Piper Hollows. She doesn't like to go out if she has the choice not to. She has things to do and is perfectly fine being in her room on Saturday nights, with her huge pride, her many piles of books, and her sketch pad full of the stick figures...