Epilogue: F.R.I.E.N.D.S and a Happy Ending!

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I guess you could say this is the final chapter of 12 Weeks, 12 Dates, but it's more like an extra. Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy and I thank you again for all the support and encouraging comments. You guys rock!! :D


Epilogue: F.R.I.E.N.D.S and a Happy Ending!

(9 months later)

I met Logan and Gwen at the bus stop. I hopped off the steps and greeted them with a cheerful smile.

“Hey Pippi,” Logan said as he pulled me closer and gave me a quick kiss.

My heart did its gymnastics routine and even though we had been going out for almost a year now, it will be in three months (I know, time really does fly), and the fact that he kissed me like that all the time, I still couldn’t wipe off the stupid grin I got whenever we did kiss.

I linked hands with Logan and we all headed towards Nay’s house.

Gwen looked over at us and shook her head as she laughed, “Still can’t get over how cute you guys are together.”

I glanced at Logan, “Eh, he’s alright.”

He gave me a nudge with his shoulder, “At least I’m better looking, Pippi. Need I remind you of last weekend?”

I shoved him back. “You know what humidity does to my hair! And it’s your fault for saying, ‘Come on, let’s go eat on the terrace. It’ll be fun. I want to eat outside. Blah, blah, blah!’” I mocked in an exaggerated deep voice. “Sheesh! I bet you knew it was going to be humid and wanted to go outside just to make fun of me, which you did.”

Logan gave me a shocked expression, “Pippi, I am your boyfriend! Do you honestly think I would do such a thing?”


“And yet you still went along with it. It just goes to show that you do care about me and my opinions.”

“See what I mean?” Gwen giggled. “Hopefully I’ll find somebody that treats me like you guys treat each other.”

I raised my eyebrows, “You beat up Ryan all the time. I’m sure love can be added in somewhere.”

She snorted. “Yeah, right! He’s a complete airhead.”

Logan shrugged as he swung our hands out in front. “We Phillips are known for liking airheads…”

I gave him a slap upside the head.

Over the last year, I found out that maybe I might have had a slight case of being dense whenever Logan was trying to “put moves on me” as Ryan and Danny described it. I honestly still don’t see how grabbing somebody from behind while they were holding a bowling ball was very “move” worthy, but hey, I ended up dating the guy didn’t I?

That’s all that really matters.

When we arrived at Naomi’s house, a bunch of confetti was thrown at me.

“Happy Bet Anniversary,” Nay and Danny shouted at me while Ryan continued to shower me with multi-colored cut up pieces of paper.

I smiled at them and disconnected hands with Logan to give them all hugs.

“And here’s your present to remember those glorious three months of your life,” Nay said as she handed me that cursed journal. When I opened it, I saw that she had laminated the pages.

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