Chapter 45 - The Boardroom Meeting

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Kayleigh looked around the vast reception. She'd been impressed by KHF's building the moment she walked in, and truth be told, she still was, but M&M Insurance Ltd. Head Office was on a whole other level.

She felt small walking amongst the high rises of East London, but as the lift climbed up the famous walkie-talkie-shaped building, she found herself wondering if she could take up architectural design should Abigail Kilton ever decide to wipe her off the face of the fashion industry. The place was a masterpiece with its 360-degree views and iconic shape that formed part of London's magnificent skyline.

She reached the reception desk determined, sure and more confident than she'd ever been.

"Good morning. I'm here for Jack Monroe."

The friendly-looking girl gave her a sweet smile as she brushed her blond fringe away from her eyes.

"Sure thing, Ms Moore," she said in a northern accent. "He's in the boardroom right now, but I'm sure Mr Monroe will want to know you're here. Just give me one second while I go tell him."

Kayleigh's heart did a happy little skip realising this woman knew who she was and still wasn't calling security on her.

That had to be a good sign, right?

She looked around and her eyes landed on the boardroom to her left. She could see Jack through the glass door. He was absorbed in the work in front of him, an expression of pure focus adorning his face.

Feeling bold, she turned back to the receptionist and gave her a wide smile. "That's okay. I'll let him know myself."

Without waiting for a reply, Kayleigh marched across the minimalist lobby and flung the door wide open. Jack looked up and his face was a mixture of surprise and happiness when his eyes found hers.

Another good sign, Kayleigh thought.

He stood up and she practically ran to him, throwing her arms around his shoulders and, as she felt his hands on the small of her back, she jumped on the tips of her toes and kissed him before she could lose her nerve.

Thankfully, Jack didn't hesitate. He didn't question the fact that she was at his workplace, kissing him with an urgency and fervour that was very uncharacteristic of her, just days after telling him she needs time and space away from him. No. Jack kissed her back, his fingers digging into her hips as his shoulders relaxed under her palms.

The sound of someone clearing their throat brought Kayleigh back to Earth, and, realising it was neither her nor Jack, she jumped backwards completely horror-struck. Taking a look around the boardroom, something she obviously should have done before attacking the man like a desperate feral cat, Kayleigh realised she had just interrupted what seemed to be a very serious meeting.

"Er... Can we continue this later, please?" Jack said stuffing his hands into his pockets and piercing her with a handsomely electric gaze. He didn't sound angry. He didn't look angry either. But Kayleigh wanted to drop dead with embarrassment right there and then.

"Oh my gosh," she exclaimed breathlessly. "Yes, of course. I am so sorry for interrupting. I'll wait outside."

But as she turned to leave, Jack leaped forward and grabbed her wrist.

"Not you," he commanded in a tone that made her stomach do very funny things. She had never heard him speak that way before. He tore his eyes away from her and directed his gaze to the room. With one nod of his head, all the ‘serious’ people stood up and filed out of the boardroom.

The door closed behind the last suit and Kayleigh summoned the courage to lift her eyes back up to Jack's. Her Jack. The Jack with the wicked smile and the fun twinkle in his warm, brown eyes. Nevertheless, she felt the heat creep up her neck and she covered her face as she sunk into the nearest chair.

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