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Vaemyra reaches Dragonstone with a heavy heart and eyes full of tears. She's not too far behind Rhaenys, who stands before the Princess and Prince, ready to deliver the news that Vaemyra lets spill from her lips the moment she falls into Rhaenyra's arms.

" Father is dead... and they crowned him king."

The news is too much for Rhaenyra to bear. She clutches onto her stomach, voice full of pain and anguish, and doesn't notice the blood dripping down her legs till the scent of copper reaches her nose.

The conversation is forfeit as Vaemyra quickly escorts her sisters to her chambers. Rhaenyra wails in pain, pacing back and forth as the maester's are brought to her.

It's impossible. The babe should not be coming, and yet it is.

Vaemyra stands there with her sister for the entire time, not daring to go anywhere else, for she remembers the loss they both faced with their mother, and she will not let Rhaenyra be subjected to the same fate.

Vaemyra does not allow the servants to come anywhere near Rhaenyra, and so they are forced to the sidelines, watching as Rhaenyra sits between Vaemyra's legs, screaming and crying her heart out as the sloshing sound fills the room, and the little babe is brought from the womb.

Visenya Targaryen, a still-born, twisted and malformed, with a hole in her chest where her heart should be... and a stubby, scaled tail.

It's enough to bring Vaemyra to tears, who gasps in horror at the sight of the deformed babe.

" She was my only daughter... and they killed her," Rhaenyra weeps, " They stole my crown... and they murdered my daughter."

Instead of the Silent Sisters preparing the babe, Rhaenyra decides to do it herself. She wraps the deformed babe in the cloth, so that the Stranger may take her away. The princess cries as she holds onto the corpse, refusing to let go. She mourns the loss of her daughter as Vaemyra silently watches from across the table. She watches her sister break down, whilst Daemon is out dealing with his grief in his own way.

Vaemyra leads her sister to the tub, where Rhaenyra steps into the steaming water. Vaemyra cleanses her sister, using a cloth to scrub the dried blood off her skin, all while Rhaenyra stares blankly out into the distance. Rhaenyra's mind is succumbed and overwhelmed with the feeling of grief. She needs to be strong, and so tries to overcome these feelings the best she can. She is dressed by her sister, who brushes and braids her hair as well.

Visenya is burned on the pyre atop a hill on the isle, watched by all and seen by many. Rhaenyra and Daemon stand at the top of the hill, whilst the rest are scattered around. Vaemyra stands between her two nephews, observing each of their reactions to get an idea of how they may be feeling.

Jace seems less troubled. Still mourning the loss of his little sister, but stands strong.

Luke is obviously saddened, his small face stained with tears and his eyes filled with anxiety and worry.

But with the death of their daughter, comes news of gold. Ser Erryk approaches the heir, seemingly appearing from nowhere. He kneels before her and removes his realm, then reaches into his satchel where he pulls out a crown, the very crown King Viserys wore before her.

" I swear to ward the Queen... with all my strength... and give my blood for hers. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall guard her secrets, obey her commands, ride at her side, and defend her name and her honor."

Daemon takes the crown from the knight and examines it in his hands. He gazes upon the golden crown, which was worn by his brother. The crown he wanted so desperately, and now the crown that he will give to his wife... all while his niece watches his every move. Vaemyra sees how Daemon looks at the crown, and then how he looks at Rhaenyra. She knows that Rhaenyra will get the crown, and she knows that Rhaenyra is the firstborn and true heir... but that doesn't mean she should get the crown. She knows that Rhaenyra will make a good queen, but it doesn't stop the pit of rage from bubbling inside her, the pit that tells her to take the crown for herself... and the pit that tells her to burn anyone who would dare side against her.

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