XI- The Meeting and Some Glitter

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Evergreen knew Hermione meant well, but that didn't stop her from being mad at the bushy-haired girl. Hermione had gotten the nicest thing she'd ever been given taken away from her... Now she doubted whether she would ever see it again. She was positive there was nothing wrong with her Firebolt, but she didn't know what state it would be in after it had been a subject of all sorts of anti-jinx tests. There was no doubt that in Evergreen's mind that Harry was feeling the exact same way.

Ron was furious with Hermione, too. As far as he was concerned, the stripping-down of two brand-new Firebolts was nothing less than criminal damage. Hermione, who remained convinced she had acted for the best, started avoiding the common room. Evergreen, Harry, and Ron supposed she had taken refuge in the library and didn't try to persuade her to come back. All in all, they were glad when the rest of the school returned shortly after New Year, and Gryffindor Tower became crowded and noisy again.

The night before term started, Evergreen received a very strange invitation to the Astronomy Tower directly after hours. Ron begrudgingly had handed her the crumpled piece of parchment with an annoyed look on his face.

Come to the Astronomy Tower tonight, just after the lights are out

Use the map if you need it

Don't tell anyone.


She rolled her eyes and shoved the letter into her pocket. What the hell could the twins possibly want from her?

Nevertheless, late that night Evergreen got the map from Harry (they had shared custody) and scrambled up to the Astronomy Tower. It did take a while to climb the stairs, so she assumed that the twins would be giving her an award of sorts to thank her for her efforts.

When she reached the top of the tower, her gaze was immediately directed to the sky. The room was completely open, letting the starry night sky fill as the ceiling and walls.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Evergreen screamed and whipped her wand out, spinning around.

Fred and George were standing behind her, smirking.

"Ugh! Don't scare me like that!" She huffed, stamping her foot on the ground.

"Sorry, love, it was too tempting not to," Fred apologised, a wicked grin splitting his face.

Evergreen made a fairly rude gesture with her hand and George crossed his arms, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Right- what do you two want?"

"Calm down, we're getting there," Fred insisted. "So bloody impatient you are."

She rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance.

"So, good Christmas?" George mumbled in her ear, and only then did Evergreen realise he had moved behind her, his hand drifting to her shoulder.

"Oi! Keep your hands to yourself," she snapped with a grin, jumping away from him. "I had a fine Christmas, but why did you two want me up here?"

"Okay, so you're going to think this is hilarious-" George started, chuckling.

"- absolutely coincidentally funny-" Fred continued.

"But we made a bet with McGonagall-"

"- as usual-"

"- and we were going to tell you we bet her a Galleon or two that you would be with Harry by next school year. McGonagall says it won't be until sixth year that you two idiots realise you both fancy each other."

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