XXXX- The Lost Prophecy

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Prepare yourselves...


Evergreen's feet hit solid ground.

Her knees buckled a little and the golden wizard's head fell with an echoing dunk to the floor.

She looked around and saw that they had arrived in Dumbledore's office.

Everything seemed to have repaired itself during the headmaster's absence. The delicate silver instruments stood once more on the spindle-legged tables, puffing and whirring serenely. The portraits of the headmasters and headmistresses were snoozing in their frames, heads lolling back in armchairs or against the edge of the picture.

"Fifteen minutes, Dumbledore said?" Evergreen asked, looking through the window. There was a cool line of pale green along the horizon: dawn was approaching.

Harry did not respond; he had grabbed the side of her face with one strong hand and drew her towards him- it was so abrupt that her body collided with his a little too roughly, but Harry didn't care.

He leaned in close and pressed his lips against hers.

He clung onto the side of her face and kissed her slowly and gently- almost hesitantly- as if he was afraid it might end if he was too eager.

"Harry," she whispered against his lips, but he shook his head firmly. So she kissed him back.

This was never in a million years how Harry thought their reuniting would go, but frankly, he didn't care. He breathed softly as her metal-covered hands curled in his hair, as they had done this time two years ago.

Evergreen's mind was flooded with memories- and she knew, at once, that it had always been Harry. That stupid, arrogant, Potter boy.

Yes, he'd done things to screw up, but she did not care.

She had loved George Weasley with everything in her, she still loved him, of course- but it was not the same as loving Harry.

After the events that evening, Evergreen realised they were slowly entering the not-so-great part of their lives, so there was no point in denying it any longer.

She was in love with Harry, she always had been, and she feared that she always would be.

Harry's other hand found her waist and slowly travelled up her metallic back. He kissed her so passionately that he was afraid he might seem desperate.

But he was. He was desperate- to keep her safe, to do anything he had to do to keep her from the dangers in the future.

And he was desperate to never, never lose her again.

They pulled away at the same time, but continued to cling on each other's arms.

"I love you," Evergreen whispered, tears pulling in her eyes. "I love you, Harry. I always have,"

"I love you too," Harry whispered back, voice quivering. "I- when you jumped in front of Bellatrix- I thought- I-"

He flung his arms around her, his tears gliding off of her silver shoulders.

"I thought I lost you for good," He wailed. "Eve- I would rather have you break up with me a million times than never be able to see you happy- even if it is with someone else."

Evergreen nodded furiously, burying her head into his shoulder.

"I know, darling. But it's okay. I'm okay now."


"Kreacher lied?" Harry exclaimed.

"I'm afraid so," Dumbledore nodded, "You are not his master, he could lie to you without even needing to punish himself."

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