XVIII- Voldemort's Stupid Servant

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Hermione screamed. Black leaped to his feet. Harry jumped as though he'd received a huge electric shock. Evergreen gasped loudly.

"I found this at the base of the Whomping Willow," said Snape, throwing the Cloak aside, careful to keep his wand pointing directly at Lupin's chest. "Very useful, Potter, I thank you,"

Snape was slightly breathless, but his face was full of suppressed triumph.

"You're wondering, perhaps, how I knew you were here?" he said, his eyes glittering. "I've just been to your office, Lupin. You forgot to take your Potion tonight, so I took a gobletful along. And very lucky I did... lucky for me, I mean. Lying on your desk was a certain map. One glance at it told me all I needed to know. I saw you running along this passageway and out of sight-"

"Severus-" Lupin began, but Snape overrode him.

"I've told the headmaster again and again that you've been helping Black into the castle, Lupin, and here's the proof. Not even I dreamed you would have the nerve to use this old place as your hideout."

"Severus, you're making a mistake," said Lupin urgently. "You haven't heard everything- I can explain- Sirius is not here to kill Harry or to kidnap Eve-"

"Two more for Azkaban tonight," said Snape, his eyes now gleaming fanatically. "I shall be interested to see how Dumbledore takes this... he was quite convinced you were harmless, you know, Lupin... a tame werewolf..."

"You fool," said Lupin softly. "Is a schoolboy grudge worth putting an innocent man back inside Azkaban?"

BANG! Thin, snake-like cords burst from the end of Snape's wand and twisted themselves around Remus's mouth, wrists and ankles; he overbalanced and fell to the floor, unable to move.

"Let him go you filthy-" Evergreen strode towards Snape, but was cut off as he spun her around and dug his wand into her collarbone, his hand squeezing her wrists together behind her back.

With a roar of rage, Black started towards Snape, but Snape moved his wand to Evergreen's temple.

"Give me a reason," he whispered. "Give me a reason to do it, and I swear I will."

Black stopped dead. It would have been impossible to say which of the three faces showed more hatred. Harry stood there, glancing around at Ron and Hermione. Ron looked just as confused as he did, still fighting to keep hold of the struggling Scabbers.

Hermione, however, took an uncertain step towards Snape and said, in a very breathless voice, "Professor Snape, it- it wouldn't hurt to hear what they've got to say, w- would it?"

"Miss Granger, you are already facing suspension from this school," Snape spat. "You, Potter, Lupin and Weasley are out of bounds, in the company of a convicted murderer and a werewolf. For once in your life, hold your tongue."

"But if- if there was a mistake-"

"KEEP QUIET, YOU STUPID GIRL!" Snape shouted, looking suddenly quite deranged. "DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!"

A few sparks shot out of the end of his wand, hitting Evergreen's head. She whimpered in pain and struggled as drops of blood began to seep down the side of her face. Hermione fell silent.

"Vengeance is very sweet," Snape breathed at Black. "How I hoped I would be the one to catch you..."

"The joke's on you again, Severus," snarled Black. "As long as this boy brings his rat up to the castle-" he jerked his head at Ron, "I'll come quietly..."

"Up to the castle?" said Snape silkily. "I don't think we need to go that far. All I have to do is call the Dementors once we get out of the Willow. They'll be very pleased to see you, Black... pleased enough to give you a little kiss, I daresay..."

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