V- The Misunderstanding

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Evergreen couldn't describe how good it felt to wake up and see Ron Weasley on a pull-out next to her. She'd been dying to see her mates all summer, and now that they were here...


"What d'you want?" He yawned, pulling the sheets tighter around himself.

"I want breakfast, so get up and let's go get some."

He scoffed, rolling over. 

"Go by your own bloody self. I'm asleep,"

Evergreen groaned loudly and forced herself out of bed, fighting her way out of the sea of hangings surrounding it.

"This house'd look really cool if it wasn't so dusty," Ron muttered.

"Thought you were asleep?" Evergreen smarted back, pulling on a pair of jeans. "But yeah. Dad- Sirius- said it was gorgeous when he was younger."

Ron sat up and immediately covered his eyes.

"Merlin! You could've given me a warning, you know!"

Evergreen rolled her eyes, grabbing shirt from her dresser.

"I'm wearing a bra, Ron, calm down. It's not like I'm naked!"

"Feels bloomin' like it," Evergreen looked over and saw that Ron's face was bright red and buried into his hands. "Feels like I'm betraying Harry."

"Me and Harry aren't together anymore," She began to twine her hair into a braid sighing. "We need a break from each other. I can date who I want, and he can date who he wants."

Ron snorted. "But he doesn't want to date anyone else. He wants you,"

Evergreen rolled her eyes.

"I'll believe that when I see it,"

And with that, she marched out of the room.

She didn't know exactly how it happened, but sooner or later Evergreen found herself at the twins' door, her hand on the doorknob. She cracked it open as quietly as she could. Both of the twins were out of it (Fred was snoring loudly).

Evergreen creeped over to George's bed, pulling the covers off of him.

Her breath hitched when she saw that he was only wearing his boxers. She hated to admit it, but his years on Quidditch had shaped him well.

In other words he was extremely fit and it was bad that she had a hard time admitting it.

It made everything ten times worse when she looked up and saw George Weasley was in fact wide awake and smirking at her.

"Thought you could get a sneak peek while I was asleep, eh?" He said in his husky morning voice.

She could hear the smugness in his tone.

"What?" Evergreen said, aghast, throwing the covers back down on top of him. "No! I was going to come wake you and ask if you wanted to go down with me so we could eat breakfast-"

"It's alright love, I don't blame you," He was on the verge of laughing now, she could tell.

It pissed her off.

"You wouldn't've been disappointed," George continued, "I-"

"Shut up, will you?" Evergreen snapped. "I could have a look at your body anytime I wanted if I just asked- why would I do it while you were sleeping? So, piss off and get up,"

She stormed over to his trunk and grabbed a tank top and jeans, throwing them at the foot of his bed.

"Cocky little thing, aren't you?" George sat up in bed now, watching as Evergreen began to pull clothes out for Fred, too. "I mean, I wouldn't exactly say you're wrong, but it's still a bit cocky to admit it out loud."

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