Chapter 3: The Museum

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When the boys entered their dorm room, they looked around briefly to see that it was nothing like what they were used to, in fact, the aesthetic was the exact opposite of what any of them liked. There were three beds, each had a nightstand and dressers for them to put their stuff in. There was also a TV and a few chairs, which Rage and Misery checked out while Jay, Carlos, and Demitri unpacked and claimed their beds. After that, they spend the next few hours hanging out, waiting to see what they would do next, or if the girls would show up. Carlos and the imps had discovered a video game system and were playing with that, Jay was looking around for anything he saw worth taking, and Demitri was sitting on his bed, thinking to himself. If magic worked in Auradon, did that mean he had some? He had never dried since any magic he would have had wouldn't have worked on the Isle. Only one way to find out.

He closed his eyes and tried to focus. He tried to call forth any magic that was waiting to be unlocked, but nothing seemed to happen at first. Surely, he didn't actually need to have the Ember with him to unlock his power, did he? That would be really lame if that was the case. There had to be something he could do on his own. He just had to find it. He just had to-

"Boss, you okay?" It was Rage.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Demitri responds, opening his eyes to see the worried imp. "Why?"

"Your hair." Rage says, pointing at him. "It's on fire, sir."

"Yeah, it kinda just..." Jay added, trying to mimic flames on his head as best as he could.

Carefully, Demitri got up and made his way over to the closest mirror to see. Sure enough, blue flames danced on his jet black hair, making his highlights appear brighter as well. His eyes also seemed to be a brighter blue as well. He slowly reached up to touch them, and they simply maneuvered around his fingers, almost like steam. The fire didn't burn either, but simply felt warm. Lowering his hand, he focused again, and the flames went out, returning to normal.

"Cool." Was all he said in response initially. "I'll have to see what else I can do while we're here sometime. Actually, wait. Rage. Misery."

"Yes?" They responded.

"I need you two to try something for me." Demitri tells them.

"And that is?" Misery asked.

"Try and shapeshift."

"Shapeshifting? Us?" Misery asked again, "We can't."

"Yeah, we can't do that." Rage added.

"And I couldn't do what I just did before. Just do it." Demitri adds.

"Well, what should we turn into?" Rage asked

"How about dogs?" Jay asked, which sent Carlos into a panic.

"No dogs." Demitri says, pausing for a brief moment. "But cats could be a start."

"Okay. Cats." The imps respond, doing what they thought they needed to do to focus their shapeshifting. After a few sparks of magic, the two partially shapeshifted into various creatures, before finally becoming two regular house cats.

"Hey, we did it!" Rage says happily.

"We did it!" Misery adds with just as much excitement.

"Needs some more practice, but not bad." Demitri tells them, "You can change back now."

The imps return to normal and go back to playing the video game with Carlos. After a few more hours, it was night, and there was a knock on the door. Demitri went to answer it, finding Mal and Evie, who let themselves in. Evie looked around in amazement, while Mal approached Jay, who was throwing more stuff he found on his bed.

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