Chapter 5: Tourney Game

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The next day, Demitri got up and got ready for classes as usual. He was slowly starting to hate them less than he expected, but he still wasn't a fan of them. Rage and Misery on the other hand, were absolutely loving it. Every new thing was exciting for them. The trio was now in History class studying with Lonnie.

"Hey, you going to the Tourney game later today?" She asks.

"Probably, but only for Carlos and Jay." Demitri responds, "Why?"

"Just wondering." Lonnie answers.

"You going?"

"Mhm. I love watching the athletic teams play."

"Well, since we're both going, maybe we could go together then?"

"Sounds great."

"Wanna meet up outside the dorms and then head out?"

"Works for me."

After that, the class ended and the two parted ways for now. As he headed out, he was able to witness Mal tricking Ben into eating one of the spelled cookies, and it didn't take long for them to take effect. When Ben left after a short time, Demitri approached the group.

"Well, I see I missed all the fun." He says

"Where were you anyway?" Jay asked.

"Just got out of a class and was looking for you guys." Demitri responds, "So, the cookies worked, huh?"

"Oh, they did." Mal responds.

"Can't wait to see how this is gonna go." Demitri says, "Either it will seem totally normal or he will cling to you like his life depends on it."

"Hopefully not the second one." Mal says.

The group split off to get ready for the Tourney game. Demitri didn't really do much, just set his bag down on his bed and quickly ran a brush through his hair before shaking it back out. Meanwhile, Rage and Misery were getting ready themselves.

"Do you want us to come with you, Boss?" Misery asked.

"No, you two go ahead. I'll catch up." Demitri responds.

The imps nod and head out and not long after, Demitri leaves to meet up with Lonnie. She had changed into a blue and yellow outfit this time.

"Demitri, there you are!" She says.

"Yeah, Just had to drop some stuff off. I see you're wearing a new outfit. It's... nice." Demitri responds.

"I always try to wear school colors for the games." Lonnie explains.

"I see. Well, I at least have the blue part. Hopefully that's okay." Demitri says semi-jokingly.

"Don't worry about it. Come on, let's go before we're late."

The two then headed out to watch the game, and found spots next to Mal, Evie, and the imps. It was a close game, but Auradon took the win. As the announcer tried to congratulate the team, Ben suddenly took the microphone and got the crowd to start a cheer spelling Mal's name.

~Start Song~


Did I mention

That I'm in love with you

Did I mention

There's nothing I can do

And did I happen to say?

I dream of you everyday

But let me shout it out, if that's okay

That's okay

I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked

And now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop

I never thought it can happen to a guy like me

But now look at what you've done you got me down on my knees

Because my love for you is ridiculous

I never knew (Who knew?)

That it can be like this

My love for you is ridiculous

My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S


It's (ridiculous)

Just (ridiculous)

And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss

Well did I mention

That I'm in love with you

And did I mention

There's nothing I can do

And did I happen to say?

I dream of you everyday

But let me shout it out, if that's okay (Yeah!)

If that's okay

I gotta know which way to go, c'mon give me a sign

You gotta show me that you're only ever gonna be mine

Don't want to go another minute even without you

That's if your heart just isn't in it, I don't know what I'd do

Because my love for you is ridiculous

I never knew (Who knew?)

That it can be like this

My love for you is ridiculous

My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S


It's (ridiculous)

Just (ridiculous)

And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss

C'mon now!

Because my love for you is ridiculous

I never knew (Who knew?)

That it can be like this

My love for you is ridiculous

My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S


It's (ridiculous)

Just (ridiculous)

And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss

C'mon now!

~End Song~

After all of that, Audrey broke up with Ben and announced she was dating Chad instead. Ben didn't seem bothered, and instead asked Mal to be his date to his coronation, which she accepted. Slowly, the crowds split off as people went their separate ways. As they did, Demitri walked with Lonnie back to the dorms

"Well, that was surprisingly fun." He says.

"Yeah, it was. Even more so than I thought." Lonnie replies.

"Maybe we could... do something like this again sometime?"

"I'd like that."

A/N: Short one but felt right to just do this section

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