Chapter 4: First Classes

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The next day, Demitri and the others got up and reluctantly got ready for their first day of classes at Auradon. Most of the guys just kept what they wore yesterday, but Demitri decided to change it up a bit. He now had a similar pair of dark jeans that were more distressed, his boots, jacket, and a black and blue striped shirt. Rage and Misery had their usual teal and magenta getups as well, and once everyone was ready, they met up with Mal and Evie before heading out.

Their first class of the day was Goodness 101 with Fairy Godmother, and of course they were the only students in it as they took their seats at each 2 person desk. Mal and Evie shared one, Jay and Carlos across from them, Rage and Misery in front of the boys, and Demitri in front of Mal and Evie.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you A: curse it? B: Lock it in a tower? C: Give it a bottle? Or D:Carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother asks the group, who were each barely paying attention at best.

Evie raised her hand to answer, and was called on.

"What was the second one?" She asked.

"Oh, okay, anyone else?" Fairy Godmother asked the rest of the group. "Demitri?"

"You give them a bottle." He responds in a pretty deadpan tone. He genuinely didn't care one way or the other about these scenarios she was giving them, and had a feeling that she didn't want them to respond how they actually thought. So he just said what she wanted to hear.

"Correct. Again." Fairy Godmother says, seemingly proud of how well he is doing.

"You're really good at this, Boss." Misery says to him.

"Yeah, you're killing it." Carlos adds.

"He's just picking the ones that don't sound like any fun." Mal tells the group, who make mixed sounds in response.

Before the lesson could continue, a girl with short brown hair and a pale blue dress enters, who Fairy Godmother introduces as her daughter, Jane. The shy girl hands her mother an early dismissal form for Ben's upcoming coronation before quickly leaving. The lesson eventually resumed, this time with Jay and Carlos fighting on trying to answer, and Fairy Godmother sending them to try out for the sports teams after the lesson ended.

Later that day, Demitri was wandering around while waiting between classes when he accidentally ran into someone.

"Hey, watch it!/Ohmigosh I'm so sorry." Both he and the stranger said at the same time.

Taking notice of the person now standing in front of him, Demitri got a better idea of who it was he ran into. The female had short black hair and was wearing a teal miniskirt and a pink floral top with a magenta ribbon belt. She wasn't that bad looking, in fact, he thought she was kinda pretty.

"It's... fine I guess. No severe damage done." He later adds.

"Hey, you're one of the kids from the Isle right?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. I'm Demitri, and these are my imps. Rage and Misery."

The imps didn't say anything, but waved at the girl.

"Oh, well, hello. I'm Lonnie. Are you on your way to your next class?"

"Yeah. History." He responds

"That's where I'm headed too. Since we're both going that way, maybe we could walk there together? I'd love to hear about how you're enjoying Auradon so far."

"Sure, why not."

As they headed to the class, Lonnie asked Demitri all sorts of questions. How's he liking Auradon? How did he meet Rage and Misery? A lot of small things like that. He actually didn't mind talking to her. He was surprised at how much he actually enjoyed being around her. When they arrived at the classroom, they sat next to each other and worked on the lesson together. After that, they parted ways, and Demitri headed back to his room for a bit to relax and get a jump start on his homework. After some time, Jay knocked on the door wearing an athletic jersey.

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