Chapter 6: First Date

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Some time had passed after the Tourney game, and Demitri had started to become more distracted from the initial goal he and his friends were there for. Sure, the whole 'get the wand' thing was something he still thought about whenever someone else didn't remind him about it, but when he wasn't thinking about that, he was thinking about getting through his classes, or even learning about and improving his powers. But most recently, he's been thinking about Lonnie.

He couldn't exactly understand why, but there was just something about her that he felt drawn to. Maybe it was how she wasn't completely one of those stereotypical princess girls he was expecting from just about everyone in Auradon. Or it was that he did think she was pretty and enjoyed being around her. If he was really lucky, maybe it was because she didn't immediately try to avoid him or judge him based on who his father was or where he was from. His thoughts were interrupted by Misery, who noticed that he was deep in thought and wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Hey, Boss? You alright?" They ask.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine, Mis." Demitri responds.

"You sure. You seemed like you were thinking about something. If you don't want to talk about it, it's okay, but you know that you can talk to Rage or I about anything, right?"

"I know. It's just... complicated."

"Try me."

There is a pause from Demitri before he decides to speak again.

"You know that girl Lonnie, right?" He asks.

"Yeah. She seems pretty cool. What about her?"

"Well... I can't seem to stop thinking about her. I always enjoy spending time with her, and the thought of being able to see her every time we go to those classes... I like it."

"So, are you saying you think you like her?"

"I don't know. I haven't felt like this about anyone. I mean, maybe? I don't fully get it, and don't really know what to do."

"Well, I'm no expert or anything myself, but maybe you could try just hanging out with her and seeing what happens. Like just you two."

"Are you suggesting I ask her out on a date or something? I don't know anything about that, you know this."

"And you won't know if you don't even put in any effort. We've all learned so many new things since we got here, who's to say this will be any different. At least try it, Boss?"

"Okay, I get it. I'll... see what happens. And by the way, this talk stays between us for now, got it?"

"Yes. And you got this, Boss."

Feeling better with the imp's attempt at reassurance, Demitri quickly made sure he looked at least somewhat decent before heading out. It took him a while, but he eventually found Lonnie with a couple of other girls.

"Hey, Lonnie." He says, walking up to her.

"Oh, hey Demitri." She responds.

"Could I talk to you for a moment? Like just us?" He seemed a bit nervous at the idea of trying to ask her out in front of her friends, especially if she would end up rejecting him.

"Sure." The two then walk a short distance away, but still in the general area. "What's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again sometime. Like, just you and me." He asks, doing his best to seem casual and interested, but hiding how nervous he was.

"Sure, that sounds fun! What did you have in mind?"

"Now that, I wish I knew for sure. I don't know what all there is to do around here, or what you'd like to do. Guess I should have thought about that more before I asked, huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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