Dirty Liar

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You're standing Infront of him, playing with your fingers. Are you nervous? Maybe you are.He called you in his office that is located inside his mansion without knowing the reason.

Did you do something wrong? You don't think so but if that's the case then what are you doing here?.

"Remove your clothes" He said with his deep huskey groaning voice. Widened your eyes while looking at him shocked.

You gripped on your tiny maid dress that is only at the very bottom of your butt cheek. It's too short yes, cause once you bend down everything is already showing mostly your red lace lingerie pantie.

You gulp as you watched Mr.Jeon walk Infront of his desk while he sat on the table, crossing his arms together and deeply stared at you.

"I said change your clothes Yn" He repeat himself. You stared in his eyes and saw that there's no playful look placed on his expression. It's all seriousness.

You slowly grabbed the ribbon at the back of your dress while still looking at him, pulling the edge of it when Mr.Jeon suddenly cleared his throat as he turn around pretending to fix his papers on the table.

"Don't do it here, My wife doesn't like it so wear something else. You can go now" He said while his back is facing you.

"O-okay but Mr.Jeon you only have me five of this uniform and they all have the same size." You replied.

You heard him sighing making you smirk you slowly made your way closer to his direction as you walk passed at him.

You bend down Infront of him while grabbing the fallen paper on the ground giving him the perfect view of your bright red undergarment.

He keep his eye on you, not daring to look away. He's breath started hitching while his forehead is covered in sweat.

You smirk as you knew how he would react, you stood up and walk towards him, handing him the paper and gave him a smile but deep inside yourself smirking at his reaction.

He's nervous and you can see it. You bow at him as you made sure to show your perfect cleavage right in his eye.

"I'll take my leave now Mr.Jeon, just sent me my new uniform, I'll wait for it" You said as you left the room smirking.

As soon as you left his office, you're pulled away by a strong hand and pin you on the wall, locking you in-between his arms.

"What the heck are you doing Jimin" you shouted as you true pushing him away but he didn't even move a bit.

"Yn, I like you why can't you just accept my feelings for you" he said while sounding like begging.

You have no internet on him, yes his hot, cute and have a perfect body but you've never intended to marry a bagger.

You're already born poor and you don't want to marry a poor guy and create a poor family with this guy that's why you're trying your best to get Mr.Jeon's attention.

Yes he's married but still he's everything that you need, he's handsome, rich, educated, hot everything that every womans wanted.

And in your condition, you didn't care even tho he already has a wife and happily married. You're selfish and you admit that.

You had to be selfish in order to have a good life so at this point you don't care about anyone but yourself and how you will be able to live a luxury life with the man that you like.

And that is Mr.Jeon, he's all that you needed and you don't have any plans on giving up ok him this easily.

You're just starting and this is getting exciting. You knew that deep inside you already have an affect on Mr.Jeon and that's exactly what you've been planning on doing.

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