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Growing up you really hate it when your little brother keeps on annoying you, well likewise tho. He also hates it when you do that to him but one thing for sure is that your bond with each other made your relationship strong.

Jungkook is a sweet, childish, fun yet so protective. He never wanted to see tears coming from your eyes, he hate it. When he saw you crying on your both mother's funeral he promised himself that it will be the last time he will see tears from your eyes.

He took good care of you, even tho you're the older between the two of you, he's always the strongest one while you're the fridge. He love you a lot that you couldn't even imagine.

He's such a sweet brother, a sweet brother that will make sure his older sister is always safe and sound. You love him too, so much. Even tho you aren't as strong as he is, to have courage to protect him, you will still do everything and anything for him. That's how siblings are for right.


It all changes, you started growing apart for him after one mistake, just one mistake and everything just thrown.


"Cause you we're never mine!!" Screaming at the top of your lungs while crying in full of tears. You love him, you surely do but it couldn't be.

"Look at me, I'm nothing like you!!." Pointing at yourself, you dropped your knees on the dirty ground as you cried you heart out.

"You don't know how much it hurts loving someone from different world. I'm a slave that serves you my prince, not a woman who's supposedly be inlove with you. But I love you" The man step forward. He couldn't just watch his woman crying in pain that he created.

He wanted to hug her, kiss her to stop her from crying, wipe her tears but something is holding him back. As he stepped forward wanting to claim the woman he loves in his embrace he was stopped by himself.

Closing his open palm and turn his head around. Closing his eyes tight while his right hand hardly gripped on his sword placed the right side of his hips.

"You're right, you're a slave that will never reaches the level to become my woman. So you're right. I wasn't yours, never gonna be yours. This confession of your is worthless. You better wake up from your dream slave."


Wake up from your dream. You woke up from your dream only to find yourself crying in bed of tears. Your brother walks in and saw you crying while sitting in bed, without waisting a second, he immediately run towards you and asked.

"Noona what happened? Why are you crying again?" As soon as he asked that you turn your head on him while staring directly to his eyes with teary eyes and with that'        you saw him. You saw him in him, you saw your man in him.

While Jungkook was about to wipe your tears, you pushed him making him fell on the ground, as his back meet the floor. You just look at him and immediately walked away leaving him.

Soon the little boy tried in tears. He knows he's the reason why you had an accident but it's never his intention, he could never hurt you. But what happened just happened.

"You pushed him? Girl that so rude!! He's still your brother, come on Yn. That was an accident. You don't think your lovely Jungkook would do something like that to you right!! Mostly him!! He won't even let a mosquito bite you!! Then he would plan to grown you?!." You've been being scolded for almost half an hour not but your attention is not on it. Not even on this universe or should I say in this present time.

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