Lick Frick

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You aren't a tough girl.

You're just a weak little villager girl who do and follows everything they says, you've always dream about being strong and powerful but it's very impossible to happen.

Mens are the powerful, at least that's what they believe but you believe that everyone is equal, woman can be men and even better than men but if you would say something like that Infront of everyone they would think you're crazy cause in this current time, mans   are the one who's in power and woman's only servers for them and satisfied their needs.

As much as you wanted to prove them wrong the destiny wasn't on your side. You wanted to grow, be a strong and respected knight but that will never happen cause someone is already waiting for you.

Your parents agree for you to marry one of the council's son and all you could do is to agree, your family needed the money that they offered so without thinking twice or even asking you, they've already signed a contract saying you will be the wife of the counselor's son.

The wedding was over, the two newly married couples are laying on the bed, you sigh and turn to face him, mesmerizing his face while watching him just staring at the blank ceiling.

"What are you thinking Tae?, You don't seems happy that we're married" you said.

The man turn around and slightly smiled at you, he caresses your cheek and peck your lips. You don't know if you should be happy that you're married to a handsome and one of the best knight of the kingdom or not.

"Of course I'm happy that I'm married to a wonderful woman like you, a pretty woman like you just deserves more than this, like a castle, a kingdom that you will rule.

You just laugh at him, he chuckles while looking at you, how could he say something like that, you aren't even well educated, well mannered and he thinks you deserve to rule a kingdom?.

"Hey come on take me seriously, I promise you. You will be a queen and be a powerful woman that you've always wanted." He said while caressing your cheek.

"I'll only agree to be the queen if you will be my king, let's rule that imaginary castle that you're talking about." As soon as you said that you ruffles his hair and giggle.

"You're so cute, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this marriage with you." You smile at him while he just did the same. Closing your eyes preparing to sleep, the man sigh.

He's scared of his life, he should be running away now but he just had to accept his faith. He loves you so much he's been inlove with you for so long without you knowing and as much as he wanted to keep you safe by staying away from you the destiny is the one who made a way for both of you to be put you together and because of that it's game over for him.

He kissed your lips before closing his eyes and whispered "I love you, and I'm sorry that you will go through so much because of me"

One of the king's best and favorite knight was late making the king more mad then he's already is. Soon Taehyung arrived riding his horse, he bow down to the king with respect and immediately ask for forgiveness.

"I'm really sorry your majesty, I woke up late" Taehyung look up only to see the king already glancing at him as if he's ready to throw a blade at him.

"Why did you had so much fun with your new wife?" Tae gulps, he knew something was up with just those stared and now the way that the king is talking so cold to him is terrifying him.

"We made an agreement right Knight Kim? Do you still remember that?" The king ask making Taehyung wishes for the ground to open up and eat him. He slowly nod his head and closed his eyes tight as soon as a cold sharp metallic is placed next to his neck.

"If you remember then state what we have agreed. I commanded it." The king said.

"I agree to not be her husband cause she belongs to you your highness." Taehyung said.

"And what did you do? You betrayed your own king, don't you think you deserve a punishment?"

Taehyung knew exactly what the king wanted to do. He wanted tae to disappear from this world and take you, he also wouldn't stop till he made all of his families and relatives suffer.

"N-no Your highness, I promise to take her with you, she belongs to you so I'll taking her right where she belongs just please spare my life." The man begin to beg making the king satisfied.

The next thing you new was that you're getting married to the king and made you his queen. Taehyung was right, he will make you a queen that will rule a kingdom.

He lied to you, he's a big liar, he made you believe that he's happy in your marriage but turned out he only used you to higher his position in the palace.

He became the chef knight after he surrendered you to the king, you're so mad at him but at least he didn't let anything between the two of you deepen more and the way the king is treating you is way better, he nice, and very sweet. Well at least that's what he shows you at first.

You couldn't do it anymore, you couldn't even feel your legs as they because numb but he didn't care even if you passed out he just keeps on thr"sting deep inside you while looking at you in anger.

His eyes are red, they are burning in anger, he couldn't understand what does Taehyung have that he doesn't for you to keep on chasing after him.

After he saw you staring at Taehyung he got made and started forcing himself to you.

Right now he's on his knees l"cking you out while all you did was to stare at the ceiling, you couldn't feel your body anymore, you're already filled with bruises and wounds.

While he's l"cking you, he also slide his fingers inside you and started moving and didn't even care if his fingers are already covered with blood after being so harsh on you, he just keep on going till he's satisfied, he pulled his fingers and s"ck it getting the taste of your c"m and blood mixed together then he starts l"cking you p"ssy and slide his tongue in and out.

He's like a hungry beast that is eating you up, he climbed the bed and stared at you, caressing your cheek before kissing you, you stared at him blankly.

"You know this wouldn't happen if you only keep your eyes on me right." The king said.

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