Chaos Disaster

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Tears falling. A dark cloud screams with lightning. Slippy mud. Rain falling. Everything is literally going through the same thing that you feel. Almost like it simplifies you, like the whole world is on the side of your feelings.

Is this how love should be? Painful?. You thought it's about happiness, feeling of satisfaction, the feeling of being loved, cherished, cared for, admiration but none of those feelings even went through your life. For you love is all about sadness, betrayal, hurtful, harmful, it will only hurt you and you should run before you even bury yourself in that stupid love that everyone believes and that's what you're doing right now. Running for your life.

Running for your remaining life that was drained because of that stupid love. No one can love you and no one will love you and that's all you have to believe. No more stupid butterflies, no more sweet kisses, no more romantic music, no more slow dance. You must bury them. No more.

Birds crys as well as you as well, falling onto your knees begging your heart to stop beating just to make the pain go away. Nothing is left, you're drained out.

It's raining cats and dogs. He tries to find a big tree to stop over and let the rain at least calm down. He settled himself under a hundred years old bristlecone pine tree. The cold blaze made him shivers, both arms find its way to wrap around his chest while watching the rain drops end in mud. As he's about to sit after an exhausting day he spotted a huge pile of fabric laying on the slippy wet ground.

The thing that instantly went to his thoughts is that he can use it so that at least he could keep himself warm under the cold blaze and rain drops pouring out. He walked towards it, pulling and forcing to take it in his direction when he suddenly noticed something. It's not just a pile of fabric but a woman. He was stunned and didn't know what to do but eventually he did what anyone would do if they are in the same situation and that is to help the girl and pick her up. He put her down under the tree and started wiping her face covered in mud. Looking at her unconscious face the man couldn't help but to memorize the beauty of the girl he's facing right now. He could feel his chest wanting to be ripped and offer his heart to the lady.

He chuckled and slapped himself to wake up from his dream. There's no way this woman would like him. Not when he's the laughing stock of the ton with his ugly face and poverty. No one would want to even be with him.

After an hour, the cloud finally stopped crying. He fixed himself and settled to leave but before he went. The man knee down offering the unconscious girl his bottle of water and some food. Clearly he's not a fool or that kind to just take a woman to his house and be that chaos in his life and he made that clear after looking at her for the last time before he walked away and went home.

Door cracks letting the other person know her brother is back. She turned around and immediately offered warm fabric that will help him dry himself.

"Have you heard the commotion in the kingdom? The princess is missing brother." The teen said while helping her brother to take his shoe off and put down his things.

The elder sighs and looks at his sister. "How many times do I have to tell you to not get yourself involved in those kingdom and palace things Myani".
"But brother-" as the younger one tried to defend herself her brother cut her off "No more Myani, no more".
He left her sighing and went straight to the table where his sister prepared food for both.

"The ton talks about the reward that they will get as soon as they find the princess, they said it a huge amount of gold and-"
"MYANI!!" Everything went silent after the man shouted. He angrily threw his food away and went out shutting the door behind her. She silently eats her food while looking down, instantly regretting everything she has done.

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