To Be Convicted

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You knew how bad he is. You knew how dangerous he could get. You knew how bad his reputation is. You knew exactly what type of a person he is. You know how he's the biggest walking red flag. You knew that you're not in good hands.

You knew. You exactly know what you're doing but you ignore it, you've been ignoring those red flags, those thoughts, their saying, you completely blinded yourself just to convince yourself that he's good, that he's a good man and that he's only doing those cause he loves you and that he cares for you.

You've been blinded by your love for him that you even choose to stay away from your friends, families that talk shit about him when the truth is that they're not talking shit, they're telling the truth. Everything about it, everything about him and you knew it.

You choose him over everyone, over everything in your life but would he do the same? The answer is no, he wouldn't, he's selfish. A man who only thinks about himself and so full of himself being confident that he could do whatever he wants because of the power that you've shown him, the power where he could control you, you give him the power over you, just like how you do everything he says like a pet, a puppy. A loyal dog. Obedient and behaved with every command he makes.

You woke up in the middle of the night rubbing your eyes and slowly opening them, seeing a figure sitting on the left side of the bed you pulled yourself up and hugged him from behind. "It's already late are you going somewhere?" You asked him.

He didn't respond to your question but instead he pushed your hand away from him making you almost fall on the ground as your weight rested against his back. "When will you go home? You've been staying here for months now." He said sounding annoyed.

You quickly stood up from the bed and went back to hug him again from his back, you rest your head on his shoulder while both of your arms wrapped about her underarms to his shoulder. You saw how he's wiping his g'n. You're not frightened anymore as you've always seen him with one and even pointed it at you where you almost lost your breath on your first encounter, but that is something that makes you want him. It's crazy but you just couldn't go wrong with the feelings of falling for someone who is one in a million.

"Why are you talking about me leaving? Are you not happy that I'm here?" You said while pouting and giggling. You expected him to return you a good answer but what did you expect though he's different remember.

"I'm not happy, you're annoying and irritating, I couldn't have my time alone and I'm not enjoying you anymore, I couldn't f'ck freely because you're like a f'cking radio mouthing and shouting everytime you see me with one then you will lock yourself in the bathroom crying trying to make me what? Pity you? it's annoying okay. I want you to leave" He said before walking out leaving you all alone.

Chuckles only left your mouth as you watched him walking away from you, you found your vision blurring as your eyes filled with tears. Wiping your tears away, taking a deep breath truly helps you to calm down, his words are sharp and biting, it hurts you till now even though he always does that. As you said, you've blinded yourself for him and you're ready to do that each time just cause you love him. He's the only one you have now and you won't take that for granted.

You knew he didn't mean that and that he was just probably taken by his emotion, or maybe he had a rough day, you're ready to understand that anytime, you're ready to do everything for him.

"I see, you're still here huh. Brave" You looked at Yunju and smiled. He's Jungkook's friend at the same time as a business partner in this bar that they run together.

"You believe me now don't you?" You joked that made him laugh but deep inside you're still bruised by his words that's like a paper cut, deep cut. After he finishes arranging papers on the counter he gives you a nod and walks away after tapping your shoulder.

As you entered the stuff only room the first thing that greeted you was a man with a woman sitting on his lap giggle while being inches away from each other's faces. You made up your mind not to argue with him again unless you wanted to be homeless tonight.

"Oh seems like someone is not in the mood today" you knew she's talking about you, she laughs at you after seeing you entering the room without saying anything to them. You grabbed your things and started changing in your work clothes. Trying hard to not give them attention but even if you try harder the scene Infront of you hurts you, mirroring their figures almost eating each other in the same frame your reflection is in pains you.

After you finish changing you shut the door stopping them by the sudden bang.

"Is everything alright?" Yunju asked. He isn't dumb to notice how shallowing your eyes were. He sigh realizing the possible reason. "Come on just give up on him already." You look at him and chuckles "not after everything I went through just to get here." You said trying to lighten the mood.

"Alright then if that's what you wish for, now take this and bring this to the table at the center okay." You nod and took the tray. You work as a waiter in their club after running from him to be with Jungkook.

It's already 3 am in the morning when you get home. You open the bedroom and saw him there. Swallowing hard gulp trying to hold yourself.

He stared at you and smirked. "You're finally here, I've been waiting for you." He stood up and sat you on the bed. Giving you a pouch full of makeup stuff not even giving you a break. "Get ready we will do something fun tonight." He said before leaving you behind.

He pushed you hard making you groan in pain as your back hit the wall. He pins you down, his hand travels down between your th'ghs making you m'an in between his m'uth.

"F'ck You're literally the prettiest girl I've ever tasted." He whispers to your ears. Part of you is happy, being praise like that from him with his manipulative words still gives you all the butterfly in your stomach. He laughed and pulled away. Pulling your hand as you both started running away. Your eyes focuses on his face. Your feet keeps on running that you didn't even notice cause your focus is his face filled with happiness. Your tears flooded and rolls down your face.

After a long run you both stoped. His smile never left his lips. Soon he look at you and found you crying. "Hey, is everything okay?" He asked. He wipe your tears away, keeping you in his arms giving you his greatest comfort. "Baby please, why do you look so sad? Didn't you had fun? You said you always wanted a date under the moon right, it was fun well not until those cops literally chasing us, but I guess it added more fun an-." You cut him off by kissing him. A kiss full of love and admiration for him.

"I love you" you said with tears filled in your eyes.

He smiles and pulled you in his embrace. "I love you, it's always and only you, you know that right?" You nod your head and smiled.

"Stop crying, tears are banned from your pretty face my love." You chuckles and nod again. He took his jacket and wear it to you. You both look at each other with so much admiration. After that you heard a whistle you both turn around and saw that cops again.

You both started running away from them. But soon they catch up and eventually pin Jungkook down on the ground. This is the least thing you wanted to happen right now. This is triggering for him. Gosh!! You're losing him again. This is triggering you wanted to run away with him they they already have him. He keeps on shouting "run," "run away," "leave" "run" your feet couldn't move, you wanted to stay with him. "Run now!!" That's his last word before his eyes changed and you lost him again his split personality take over him again. You lose the man that you love so much again.

You sobs, you look at him, seeing him trying to release himself from the cops. You turn around and run away with a heavy heart, eyes filled with tears. You lose the battle again. You lose him.


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