nine// you act like the world owes you a favour

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||Charlotte Robin Dun|| First Person||

I lean my tired body against the dark, cold bar counter, my lazy fingers gripping a half filled shot glass loosely as I stare at the intoxicating liquid confined in it. My eyes feel heavily lidded as I continue to glare at my drink. I wasn't drunk or anything, just a little bit tipsy. The room kept spinning with me and the world around me was seen through eyes so blurry, I might as well have been wearing glasses that weren't for my eye prescription. My stomach kept churning angrily at me, cursing me for drinking on an empty stomach, while my mind was struggling to function and come to terms with the littlest of things through the fog the liquor shots provided. Ryan Mistry turns his head to look at me, a small smile tugging his lips up that makes my heart skip a beat. "Are you gonna drink that?"

It's nearing midnight at this point, and yeah, I know my mom hates it when I get smashed because it really fucking pisses her off to see me stumbling in near morning drunk off of my ass, which is why I'm not drunk. I plan on doing the bare minimum tonight- getting tipsy but not enough as to evoke questions on my alcohol intake.

I tilt my head up to the ceiling and squint my eyes, glaring through the light and observing the pattern on the ceiling. I can feel Ryan's body warmth from where I might as well be tucked into his side. My fingertips are icy cold as I twiddle my thumbs in my lap, something coiling in the pit of my stomach from the lack of distance between the two of us. It leaves me feeling uncomfortable but amazing at the same time, being so close to him.

"Maybe," I shrug my shoulders in a contradictorily manner before I bring the shot glass to my pink lips, tilting my head back and gulping the burning liquor down in one go. I slam the cup on the table with a grunt of satisfaction, turning my head to look over at a grinning Ryan. "I did." Ryan rolls his eyes playfully at me and reaches forward, brushing a strand of hair away from my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, who would've thought that it'd be so busy tonight?" Valerie says after taking a sip of her ice cold beer, a little bit over the term drunk. Valerie Rowen wasn't paying attention to a single word that left my mouth and projected in the loud room, but it wasn't like it was something new. Val and Nick Greene were the two people in the group that could get away with ignoring every single word that comes from anyone but then simultaneously expecting us all to listen to them avidly. It was hypocritical- they are hypocritical, but you don't just go and tell them that sort of thing. It might hurt their ego. I look over at my friend, my eyes lingering for a moment too long on her, before I nod in acknowledgement and turn my head away. Valerie is absolutely stunning for lack of a better adjective- she was way taller than me in which I stand at a solid 5'7", she had longer legs, bigger eyes, and nicer hair. Everything that I had, Valerie did better.

"Well, it is a bar." I murmur under my breath, rolling my eyes at her more than obvious statement. Ryan looks at me and laughs, slinging an arm over my shoulder. The act of affection sends shivers crawling down my bony spine. "And this is one of the only good ones in town."

"What was that?" Val looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to reply honestly to her.

"Just agreeing with you," I smile. Val grins and turns back to Nick, the boy with sandy blonde hair and a knack for plaid shirts. She pretends to look intrigued with whatever he says, hell, they're dating, it's a given that they have to listen to each other if not anyone else. I rest my face in the crook of Ryan's shoulder and sit there, listening to the sound of his breathing in time with the heavy bass of the music. This wasn't chivalrous or romantic in anyway because this is a Goddamn bar, but I'm not choosy- I take what I can get.

"Don't look now, but I think that's your brother glaring at you." Ryan whispers in my ear, jutting his chin out in the direction of a group of three very familiar boys and two stunning girls. Tyler Joseph sits next to a gorgeous blonde girl with big eyes, the two engaged in an intriguing conversation that they look glad to be apart of. Jenna Black, the sweetest girl ever and Tyler Joseph's best friend. Next to them is Mark, the guys' best friend, who is leaning over a glaring Josh Dun and talking to a gorgeous girl with platinum hair- Debby Ryan. My heart jumps in my chest when my eyes lock on to those of my brother. His eyes are narrowed in my direction watching me drinking, and I can't help but feel the slightest bit sick. Josh looks pissed at me. "Should I fear for my nether regions?"

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