twenty four// move along just to make it through

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||Charlotte Robin Dun|| First Person||

"Are they friends of yours?" Tyler looks slightly down to me, a cute smile finding its way on his face. I make a face and cock my head, biting my lower lip in mock thought. Friends is a word that's kind of pushing it, because I wouldn't necessarily consider any of them my friends. I met most of them yesterday afternoon where we all immediately clashed heads, still overwhelmingly bitter about our families that forced us into this place to get mental help. But I wouldn't consider them to be friends, because this morning was something that shouldn't have happened. It was four AM, we were tired, and we were curious. You didn't see anyone reaching out to give each other hugs and hand them tissues because we don't know a damn thing about one another except for the reason why we're here. It takes me a long moment to finally respond, my words slow as if I was still thinking about them.

"I guess so?" I say, turning to look at Josh. My brother raises his eyebrows at my unsure response before seemingly remembering that hey, I've been here for probably only 21/22 hours only.

"Then let's go say hi," Josh decides boldly, clapping his hand against Tyler's shoulder lightly before he's setting off towards the girls that look more than excited that Josh Dun is actually walking towards them. Tyler looks after Josh with a conflicted gaze, his fingers twitching in that way that says he's thinking, before he sighs.

"I'll be there in a minute," Tyler calls after my brother decidedly, who nods his head without looking back at us. Josh stops in front of Chicago, Leto, Taylor, and Andrea and starts to say something to them. Aliyah goes off to find her parents in the crowd because she wasn't very aware of who twenty one pilots is, more interested in seeing her mom and dad. Leto looks freaking stoked to actually have Josh in the flesh standing in front of her, Andrea seems amused, and Chicago looks like she's on the verge of passing out. "Robin?" Tyler finally says, catching my attention once again. I turn my head and look back at him, raising my eyebrows while letting a small smile tug my lips up.

"What's up?" I ask him. He lets out a soft laugh and looks down, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Look," Tyler lets out a breath of air that smells vaguely of French Vanilla coffee, something that I won't be able to drink until I'm out of here. "Josh told me... he told me about the nightmare."

"Yeah?" My smile falters.

"Yeah, and it breaks... it hurts-"

"I know that it hurts because I'm the one that deals with them." I blurt out.

"That's not what I-" Tyler tries to diffuse me.

"I get that it upsets you, Ty." I sigh. "But you're too empathetic- always absorbing other people's pain and making it your own." I wrap my arms around him again and push my face into his shirt, the fabric rubbing against my cheek lightly as I press my face against him. "Stop worrying for once, please?" I add the last part in an attempt to get Tyler to consider my plea. He lets out a breath.

"Y-ye-yeah, uh, sure." Tyler finally agrees, wrapping his arms around me again. His arms may look scrawny at some points, but they really aren't. "How's this place treating you?"

"Ugh," I say, which earns a laugh from Tyler. Following the sound that comes straight from his diaphragm comes the soft vibrations of his chest. I smile against his shirt and blush.

"Don't say anything else- I think that sums it up." Tyle chuckles, rubbing soft circles into my back. "Any improvement from yesterday?" He asks me anyways, the whole not worrying thing lasting for less than a minute. I would probably go off on him about how he needs to stop being such a worrywart but decide against it because watching him like this is a bit too cute.

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