e l e v e n: culpability [serena]

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e l e v e n: culpability

I understood everything
that you meant
when you slammed the door of reality in my face
but not before
you planted the seed inside my head
of guilt

And suddenly it wasn't you
Who deserved to burn in the scorching
heat of overthinking and overanalyzing
it was me

I had been given a free pass, I realized
and whined about my life
when maybe I should've been glad
to have one in the first place

the fact of having committed a specified or implied offense or crime.
"it is the duty of the prosecution to prove the prisoner's guilt"
you proved mine by breaking my heart
when all I'd done was drag you down
and now I'm all alone
as I tear through tree roots
reaching the core of the molten earth
and the entrance - or finale - of my destruction
with the only words that will ever run through my head being

it's all your fault
it's all your fault
it's all your fault.

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