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The six tributes walked through the jungle, Grace in front of Finnick, he looking out for her. She was the first, then Finnick, Betee, Peeta, Katniss and on the end Johanna. Suddenly the Panem Anthem started playing again. District 1, both dead. District 3, Wiress. District 4, Mags. Grace turned her head down. She didn't want to watch anymore and just continue walking. The Anthem stopped and all continued walking just like nothing ever happened.

They reached the tree. "Minimal charring. It's an impressive conductor. Let's get started." Katniss and Johanna followed Beetee, who started doing his things, while Grace stayed behind with the others. "Typically a lighting strike contains five billion joules of energy. We don't want to be anywhere in the vicinity when this hits. You two girls, go together now. Take this. Unspool it carefully. Make sure the entire coil is in the water. You understand? Then head to the three at the 2:00 sector. We'll meet you there." Katniss didn't seem to like that. "I'm gonna go with them as a guard." "No, no, no. You're staying here to protect me. And the tree." Finnick slowly walked to the other woman, staying by her side. "No, I need to go with her." "There are two Careers and the District 5 male out there. I need three guards." Grace rolled her eyes at the man. "Grace and Finnick can protect you just fine on their own. So what's the problem?" "Why can't Finnick, Grace and Johanna stay with you and Peeta and I'll take the coil?" "You all agreed to keep me alive till midnight, correct?" Beetee walked further to Katniss. "It's his plan. We all agreed to it." "Is there a problem here?", Finnick asked, clearly annoyed. "Excellent question." "no. There's no problem." Peeta and the woman kissed one last time before parting. She spoke to him, but Grace couldn't make out what it was. "All right, Let's go!" The two woman walked away, the lovers exchanging one last look. Finnick stepped to the side and spinned his trident. Grace found it cool. She leaned back by a tree, her eyes wandering around the jungle.

It was maybe ten minutes they stood there, waiting, then they heard a scream. "Katniss." A yell was heard, then something like throwing an axe. Grace walked away from the tree and looked where it came from. "Grace. Come on." Finnick said, taking Grace's hand and running with her. "Johanna, where are you?" He stopped, looking around. Grace could sense that someone was there. She knew it was Katniss. "Johanna?" He ran to the other direction. Both of them ran God knows how long. "I'm out of breath, Finnick. Please.", Grace whispered. He turned around to her, a cannon fired. "Peeta!", Katniss screamed. Both of them turned their heads up. "She's by the tree." Suddenly Grace ran again, this time being the first. "Peeta!" "Grace, wait!" She reached the area, just to being pointed at by an arrow. "Katniss." She looked at the black-head, who slowly lowered her weapon. "Katniss, Peeta's not dead." She lifted the arrow again. "How do you know that?" "You have to trust me. Remember who the real enemy is." Katniss took her arrow back. The two woman stared at eachother. A thunder cracking brought both of them back into reality. Grace headed to her to look up at the sky. Katniss' heas turned to beetee, who laid on the ground. Next to him was the coil. "Katniss." "Grace! Katniss! Get away from that tree!" Finnick called. Katniss picked the coil up and placed it around her arrow. "Get away from that tree!" Grace stayed still. Her body felt numb. She didn't knew what to do. Thr black-haired raised her bow. It powered up, then she shot. Finnick ran to the women, Grace jumped at Katniss and threw her on the ground, all three of them screaming and getting thrown away.

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