"i never knew you were that someone waiting for me."

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He doesn't know how long Jeongin was in his arms - it may have been moments, hours, or days. All that's running in his head is whether he's doing his best or not, Jeongin's tears are not stopping, cheeks stained, his eyes becoming bloodshot and slightly puffy. He's frightened, what if he fails to make him feel loved and cherished? Just because he loves him, doesn't means he would feel loved because of him, but it costs nothing to make an effort atleast, he doesn't expect to receive love in return, he doesn't know if what he's doing and going to do for him is enough, he just doesn't know... he never felt this confused in his life.

"I understand it's difficult for you, but I'm right here. Just let me take care of you." Chris said, his voice soft, trying his best to let him know that he can put his faith in him as his hand hesitantly reached for jeongin's hair, hesitant because it worries him that the young boy may not like it and could possibly flinch or even worse, he might push him away. He slowly stroked his hairs, getting ready to get pushed by him - he didn't, instead jeongin snuggled into him more and he then gently caressed his hairs, they felt so soft and fluffy against his skin.

As his tears eventually began to cease and the painful tug in his throat subsided, Jeongin sniffed and nodded gently against his chest. He could feel the damp fabric against his cheeks as his hands gripped Chris' black hoodie's hem. He had been bottling in all of his feelings for who knows how long, and he had finally poured it all out.

As a knock on the door was heard, jeongin immediately pulled away, startled, wiping his tears off. Chris who urged to pull him back into the embrace, sighed, for a mere second his eyes had storm in them, like those thunderstorms at ocean as he muttered a sluggish "come in." He has never held someone this close to him, and because it's jeongin, he already misses it as he doesn't know when he'll have a second chance to hold him like this.

With a tray balanced awkwardly on his hands, a valet enters the room. He appeared... wealthy with his black and white apron, back-swept hairs, golden watch on his wrist, and gleaming shoes. When he noticed Chris' expression, he gulped and stepped back before bowing and saying, "I'm sorry... I-I definitely shouldn't have disturbed you."

Chris answered, "It's fine; besides, he needs to eat," and the valet placed the tray on the table next to the bed, jeongin watched his every move, he appeared somewhat terrified, his hands shaking, and jeongin looked at chris again to study his demeanour, is he not good with servants? Is he cruel to them?

"Thank you for this, you may now leave." He said, and the valet left after bowing to him again. After about a few seconds it was silence and he took the tray and placed it on jeongin's lap, who still had blanket covering him till his hips, "eat" he said.

Jeongin gave him a confused stare before glancing at the tray of food, which contained orange juice, garlic bread, and mushroom soup. Wow. He is hungry but is unsure whether to eat or not; what if the food has been tainted with poison? The situation shouldn't be this bad, yet it's difficult to trust people again. He kept staring at the food while blinking his eyes.

Chris sipped some of the soup from his spoon and shrugged, saying, "I won't poison you, stupid." Even though he mumbled the final phrase, Jeongin heard it and his ears began to flush with embarrassment, first, he had countless doubts, but we can't hold it against him; second, was he able to hear his thoughts?

He dipped the garlic bread into the soup and took a mouthful. It tasted wonderful, really good, in fact. He continued to take tiny portions of bread while chewing on them, saying, "I'm sorry, I ruined it."

"Huh? Ruined what?" In an unacceptable tone, Chris questioned. The younger pointed at his hoodie, the moist patch, he felt guilty, he should have stayed a little away from him. The older sighed and said, "There's nothing to be sorry for, I can change it anyhow, and moreover, I...liked it when you allowed me to hug you."

He he unbothered by this? Jeongin clinging to him in that manner was okay with him? Jeongin was somewhat taken aback by how generous this person was to him, "Really?" Nearly whispering, he questioned.

"Yeah, because no-one ever hugged me like that." He said, chucking to himself, while jeongin just stared at him in disbelief, for a moment he forgot everything about himself and desired to learn more about chris - who is he, what is he, but held himself back.

"Well, anyways, what's your name?" Chris questioned, his voice not quite expressing the excitement that flowed through him.

"Jeongin, Yang Jeongin."

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, just like him. He took a brief moment to glance at him while jeongin wasn't paying attention and eating his food, he observed that he no longer had braces like before, he had prominent cheek bones instead of his chubby cheeks, and his heart ache the way jeongin was eating - small bites, the last time he remembers this wasn't the way he used to eat. He pretended to stare out the window as Jeongin peered up at him before averting his gaze.

"Can I know your name too?"

"Bang Christopher Chan, I know it's quite lengthy, but you can call me anything you want." He said, flashing a small smile.

"Okay, chan hyung, can I call you hyung?" Jeongin asked with big eyes, as if he were trying to get something - something magnificent or exquisite that he didn't believe he could acquire.

"Ofcourse you can, jeongin."

His name had never sounded so beautiful, the way he pronounced his name - with such tenderness and softness that he couldn't help but smile - though not as brightly as he had imagined. It had been a while since he had done so. He continued to finish the food as the older watched him eat. Jeongin may not remember him because he didn't see his face that day, but he is unsure whether he does.

He drank the orange juice after finishing the meal. He isn't used to feeling this full, but even though there wasn't much, his stomach felt full. Chris picked up the tray from his lap and placed it on the table again, while this their knees slightly touched eachother's, jeongin let his intrusive thoughts win and poked the material of sweat pants with the tip of his index finger.

Chris sat back on the bed, slightly away this time, "you should sleep now, you require some rest, jeongin."

"I don't want to... have nightmares." A frown appeared on his face as he murmured. He's scared that he would get those nightmares again, he didn't want to experience it or see their faces even in his dreams.

"It's okay, I'll stay here, right by your side." In an effort to reassure the younger, the older said in a calm voice while taking his hands in his own and rubbed the palms of both of hands.

Jeongin bit his lips while lying on the bed. For a moment he closed his eyes before his head rested on the plush cushion, with Chris still holding his hands. The older shifted a little bit closer so that jeongin would be in comfortable position, he runs his fingers delicately on his hand, drawing lines starting from his wrist, going through his knuckles and eventually ending on his fingertips, "feel any better?" he asked.

Jeongin nodded, opening his eyes to stare at the older who was too consumed looking down and was admiring his hands as though they were worthy of all the expensive rings, bracelets, and jewellery. He felt he could be trusted, but there's something strange about him, something doesn't seem right, and he can't possibly be this good. Jeongin wanted to know what it was, but there was not a reason for him to simply ask him.

They could only hear their own breath and heartbeats as silence descended upon the room as time went on. Jeongin noticed that his eyelids were getting heavy, but he asked a question first.

"What is your profession, chan hyung?"

♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : Author's note ;:

Yayy I finally updated (no-one cares).
Well anyways, I've some... oneshots written,
mostly jeongchan and seungjin, do you want
me to publish them? I mean I'd publish them
anyways so- (why am I so weird?)

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