Season 2 episode 11

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Riley's PoV

I'm chilling with Nicky in our bunk when Red storms into the dorm. We can't help ourselves we follow Red into Friedas bunk who I still haven't forgiven. "So what was it, Frieda?why did you do it?what did It take to sell me out?" What is she on about? "Red I don't know what your talking about". Me neither Frieda me neither but this is entertaining. Nicky's trying to pull Red off of Frieda but honestly Frieda deserves it nobody harms mi novia. Nicky finally gets Red off Frieda and drags us both to the bathroom, she turns to me "thanks for the help dickhead" she says whilst slapping the back of my head "ah Frieda deserved it plus your welcome honey". She then turns to Red "Red come on you just got your family back, stop making crazy accusations you don't know who it was that told Vee about your tunnel in the greenhouse!" What is even going on, I'm just standing against the sink with my arms crossed. "I know it's her, she's the Judas" Nicky gives a smart reply about Red being Jesus, then says "come on you don't know she talked anymore than Norma did" aye that's a good one Nicky. Red then looks up like realisation just hit "Norma" nah you have definitely gone off the deep end now Red. "All right ... now I know your paranoid" Nicky says with disbelief at red "yeh no shit has Norma ever spoken?" I ask them Nicky turns to me and shakes her head. Cindy then comes out of the toilet "this isn't your bathroom" I say to cindy "I can take a shit wherever I want, we got contractors on the black side, we moving on up, oh but uh .... FYI, someone did rat you out. It was Boo, puff out." I got to give it to her that was some exit with her puffy hair and of course it was Boo. "Well that was a short mystery, Casanova you were right about Boo being dodgy, A+" I'm quite chuffed with myself. Red looks so fucking angry, buh bye Boo.

I'm worried I haven't seen Poussey since our chat. I head up to the library because let's face is Poussey loves the library. I head in and find her "where the hell have you been, i was looking for you all day yesterday!" She turns round from her cart of books "I had a pretty shit day yesterday Riley! I got drunk then got attacked by Vee and Crazy eyes", she looks so defeated. "Dude are you ok? You should have come to find me!" Poussey sighs "I think iv just got bruised ribs, but thanks Riley". "I'm going to talk to Red about Vee and the drugs she's bringing in, she's going to be mad when I tell her about Taystee giving them to Nicky but the more people on our side the better, stay away from them P and if you need anything come find me ok?" She nods and I leave the library to find Red.

I head back to the dorms and find Red putting her jacket on "Red I need to speak to you" she looks up at me "Riley we can talk after but first I need you to come with me to confront Boo". Nicky then appears from behind me "I mean unless you don't want to take advantage of annoying Boo one last time" I laugh "yep I'm in but we need to talk after Red", we all put on our jackets and head outside to find Boo.

We find Boo coming out of a shed with her latest victim. She's telling the poor girl how amazing she is when she notices us all standing in front of her. "Hey Red, aren't you usually playing with the garden club about now?" Boo says. I walk up to the poor girl that's just been Boo'd, I put my arm around her and lead her away from Boo "run while you can" I whisper to her and then she disappears. Red then speaks "The green house is closed for a little while. There's a health hazard that needs to be sorted out, a rat " I smugly look at Boo because yeh your fucked Boo. Boo finally figures out this isn't a friendly visit "right none of you bitches better come near me, I'm watching you Parker" this causes me and Nicky to laugh, like she stands a chance against me. "Relax we are not going to hurt you" Red then flings a packet of jolly ranchers at Boo "you asked for these, enjoy them because it'll be the last favour I ever do for you" shit even I'm scared of Red right now. "Oh I'm out of the family, I don't need shit, fuck your jolly ranchers, your gang looks like a bunch of half price garbage pail kids with annoyingly the exception of Riley, Red your a fucking joke" I'm clenching my fists now, this bitch has no respect. I look at Nicky who looks upset, I'm so angry. "Boo got Boo and that's all Boo needs" the others start walking away but I walk right up to Boo "you think Reds pathetic, want to know what I see, a sad, pathetic, delusional dickhead who thinks they are better than everyone else, iv not even been here that long and I know that loyalty to your family is what keeps you alive in here, good luck on your own" and with that I turn around and leave a stunned Boo. Nicky and Red are standing not far away so they would have heard everything. "Your right Riley, loyalty and family, your officially one of ours" Red looks proud of me and Nicky well Nicky looks like she's going to cry. On our walk back to the compound I ask to speak to Red privately and tell her about the drugs, she assures me we will deal with it.

I haven't seen Maritza today, she must be busy with the Spanish Harlem. I'm playing foosball with Piper and Nicky, they are chatting about the storm incoming and how we have to go get sand bags to protect the prison. Fig comes in to the rec room in full bitch mode. Honestly todays not a good day I need mi novia, before I can head to find her Mr Healy comes to get me and Piper. We are headed towards his office, we go in sit down, wait why does Healy look sad, this isn't good. "Right you two I'm just going to come out with it, your both being transferred to another prison in Virginia" of fucking course. I know Piper and Mr Healy are talking but iv spaced out, I'm being moved, I'm being moved away from my family, away from Nicky.....away from Maritza.

I leave to go find Maritza to tell her the news when I pass one of the older ladies of the family coming down the corridor. She then pulls out a shiv and starts attacking a black woman, I run over to her "what are you doing?" She looks up at me "Red ordered the attack on Vee". I look at the woman that's just been attacked and fear takes over "that's not Vee". There's literally blood on my hands I need to wash this off I run to my bathroom and start scrubbing my hands, the next moment the alarm starts going off, I come out of my bathroom and lie on the ground. I'm escorted back to my bunk after a small questioning from Caputo, what a day.

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