Season 5 episode 3

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Riley PoV

"Inmates of litchfield, we are ready to hear your demands. We are ready to hear your demands" I hear from outside. Nicky and I are sitting with Maritza and Flaca in Spanish Harlem. We managed to secure the library so we can come and go but ultimately that is our safe space. "Yo Channing come help me with this" I hear Maria shouting me. I turn round and see a few of the Latinas leading the guards into the dorm, all of them cuffed by a cable tie. Maritza and Flaca are too busy checking themselves out on the phone I gave Maritza. The two then pose for a photo or ten whilst I watch what's happening with the guards. They have been shoved into the guard observation room and locked in. Daya then turns round and says "flaritza, take that one down to medical, I'm sick of looking at his face" pointing to Officer humps. I turn and look at Maritza who rolls her eyes and stands up heading towards humps. I stand up and embrace her "you don't have to do this you know?". She then looks up at me "I'll meet you later, I heard there's an emergency meeting in the cafeteria, I'll see you there. I love you" "I love you most". She then winks at me and leaves.

Nicky and I are waiting in the canteen for "wait is it flaritza or maraca? They didn't decide their duo name?" I ask Nicky who looks just as confused as me. "Em... I don't know actually. I think it depends who you speak to but more importantly what's our dynamic duo name? Ricky?niley?" I laugh at her response and shake my head. "I don't know but I do know if we were Batman and robin I would be Batman" I say in which she quickly replies "bullshit, I'm Batman ..." our conversation is interrupted by our two gorgeous girlfriends "Riley's Batman babe and your definitely robin sorry" Flaca says which causes me to grin triumphantly at Nicky. "The thing is... we got hostages. So that means we get to make demands. Now, we can do this two ways. One, like a bunch of animals, like how they treat us. Or two, like civilised human beings. Like how we want them to treat us." One of the black girls announce and I nod my head agreeing with her. Maria then joins in trying to convince everyone to agree when I feel a hand slipping up my thigh. I turn and look at Maritza who is stroking circles dangerously near my dick, I give her a warning look which she clearly ignores as she bites her lip and continues stroking me. She then reaches my dick and slowly starts stroking from my tip to the base of my dick all whilst chatting with Flaca about demands. "What you think Riley? Nicky asks me not knowing what's happening under the table. I can't reply as I'm now hard and Maritza is full on giving me a hand job under the table so I just shrug and try not to moan. "Yeh baby surely if you think hard enough? You'll be able to cum up with some answer for us?" Maritza says with a teasing tone. I'm getting close to my orgasm and Maritza can feel it coming, I lean forward placing my head in my hands when a moan slips past my lips. "Did you just moan Riley?" Flaca asks me. With my head still in my hands I shake my head just as I'm about to cum Maritza replies "she has a sore head. Don't you baby?" And right on cue I cum and release a moan filled "yes". Maritza tucks me back into my pants and carries on chatting with Flaca and Nicky. As Alex and piper sit beside us Red appears at the end of the table looking a little fried "girls, I'm so happy to see you. We're really onto something with the big homo" I laugh as Nicky asks "big homo?" I then reply "Red hate to tell you but there's lots of us around here" which causes everyone to laugh. "Not girl homo" Red says like that was obvious. Alex then asks "I'm sorry, are you starting a gay witch hunt right now?" Maritza quickly replies "I'm newly gay because of my hotty here so I think I should be last in your hunt along with my girl Flaca who is newly gay too". Flaca and Maritza look at each other and smile, Nicky then says "way to push us under the bus" motioning between me and her. "No weren't yous listening? Boy homos only" piper tells us all while Maritza kisses me cheek. "Piscatella" Red then whisper shouts above us all, Red has cracked up, the look in her eyes right now confirms it. "Your all bullshitting around making demands that nobody is going to listen to whilst I'm the only one doing the real work around here. You'll be thanking me when we bust this thing open! I must go feed the eyebrow now" Red rants then walks away. "Wait whose the eyebrow?" I ask and get no reply. Maritza then cups my face and pecks my lips "your cute when your confused baby, the eyebrow is Flores" I hold her hand and kiss the palm whilst we continue our dinner.

Maritza PoV

We are now back at our fort Riley and I cuddled up in the mountain of blankets and pillows she has found. My back is currently pressed right against her front and her arms wrapped around me. "I can't wait to get out of here and lie like this in a bed with you, our bed" she says whilst pecking my shoulder. I turn round in her hold to face her and wrap my arms around her neck one of my hands instantly going to the back of her head. "I can't wait to come home from work to find you all greased up and sexy from working on a car in your garage and then heading into our house just the two of us" i softly reply whilst tracing her jaw line with my finger. "If someone told me that the best thing to happen to me was prison I never would have believed them. If I hadn't come here I never would have met you. A world without Maritza Ramos in it seems like a sad world to me now" she says making me tear up. "My world is Riley Parker"I say holding back the tears. "Make love to me Riley Parker" I ask her and she replies by kissing me gently. There are so many times with Riley that have taken my breath away but this night, this night of the two of us expressing how much we love each other is one of my favourites.

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