Chapter 16

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Holland POV

  Time has stopped all over again. It somehow seems to be a regular occurrence for me now, happening at least once a week whether it be concerning a bomb towards a friend's life or my own seems to be the only differing equation. 

  This time it just happens to be my own. 

  "I have to go to work," I mutter, snatching the paper out of Ari's hand, dropping it along with the folder down into the box of items he'd brought in from Jeremy's locker. "Thanks for your time, Chief," with only a quick glance towards Ari I'm out the door and headed for my car.  

  The tears I began to shed when he shared how grateful he was to have had Jeremy a part of the Station 143 family are no longer dancing across my eyes. No, this time the tears sting with anger, fueled by another missing piece of information left behind by my dead husband. 

  I heard Ari yelling for me to slow down and to stop all together, but my feet have a mind of their own and right now they're wanting me to get as far away from the fire station as quickly as possible. 

  "Holland!" another yell as I jump in the driver's seat, cranking the car immediately. I toss it in reverse, look in my rearview mirror only to find Ari standing with his hands against the trunk. 

  "Go away, Ari!" I cry out as I roll my window down. "I will not blink an eye to run you over right now. You're already at the station, they can get you to the hospital before you'd ever need a limb amputated!"

  "I don't doubt that for a single moment, but you shouldn't be going to work right now," he calls back to me.

  I know he's right, my mind is not in any state to go into the hospital and try to help women deliver babies.  But, I also, don't have a choice anymore. "Your friend didn't leave me any choice, Levy! No time off for me between now and the birth."  He ignores me, climbing up to plant his tree like body onto the trunk, sitting with his feet by the license plate. I'm about ready to climb out and shove him off, even though I know his bulky body would stay rooted in place. I put the car in park, slipping the keys out and realize he's speaking to someone. By the time I'm back out into the warmth of the sun, he's hanging up. 

  "Get your stuff and get in my truck," he instructs me. 

  "I'm going to work, Ari. Now, get your hind quarters off the car. You've probably already put a dent in it, giving me something else to try and figure out how to fix."

  He shakes his head, hopping off and grabbing for my keys before I can say another word. "You're off tonight. Get your stuff and let's go grab some dinner and talk."  I don't move, further annoying him and earning myself an eye roll before he's grabbing my purse from the floorboard of the front passenger seat, along with the file folder of Jeremy's information. He stalks off to his truck that was just three spaces down from where I'd parked. He throws my stuff in the cab before looking over at me, his hands on his hips. "It's a long walk home, Holland. Let's go."

  "What about Mason?" I yell out from my spot. "Why aren't you spending all your extra time with him, huh?"

  He looks back at me before climbing in, his hair falling into his eyes. "You want the answer to that?" I nod, waiting. "Then get your tail in the truck."

  Whether due to actually wanting to learn the gossip of his life, the opportunity to forget about my own troubles, or because my bladder began screaming at me, I finally gave up and followed him into the cab of the truck. 

  "Fine, I'm here, following orders," I huff, buckling my seat belt in just enough time before he's pulling from the lot. "So what's the deal?"

  "What does the bean feel like for dinner?" he ignores my questioning and I'm beginning to feel like it was all a part of his grand scheme.

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