Blind Date Pt2-𝕵𝖊𝖓𝖓 𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗

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Mia Hall


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I just finished down lashes on one of my clients and now I was taking a break, When Jenn texted me.

Jenny Wenny😍
You still working?

I gotta 1 hour break before my
Next client comes

Jenny Wenny😍
Have you ate?

Haven't had the time and plus
I still got 4 clients left

Jenny Wenny😍
Nah send the addy, Imma
Bring you something to eat

Aww thanks, It's 4568 ****

Jenny Wenny😍
You know I can't have my
Girl starving, I'll be there in 20


I got out my laptop and put on my glasses then I turned on some music, I started adding some new stuff onto my booking page, While Toosii played In the background.

20 minutes later...

I was in the middle of looking at some new appointments that just came in, When someone knocked on the door. "COME IN", I yelled. It was Jenn and she had Chick Fil A, I smiled. She handed me my food and she sat in the chair in front of me.

"You look cute with your glasses " Jenn said "Thanks, So how was the Studio", I said. "It was quick, But now I don't have anything to do", Jenn said. "I mean we could go do something after I finish", I said. "Cool, Imma stay here while you finish", Jenn said. "Mmm k", I said finishing up my food.

"What you gotta do on your clients?", Jenn said. "All of them getting nails, So it should only take about 4 hours", I said. "Ok", Jenn said. I got a message and It was from my first client say that she's coming in early due to an emergency, I wasn't tripping because she was giving me an extra $100. "You gotta sit on the couch behind me, Cause my client coming early", I told Jenn.

"Damn why?", Jenn said moving her seat. "She said she had an emergency and needs her nail done quickly, I didn't question her because I'm getting extra money", I said whipping down the area. She came in like 5 minutes after that.

My client took longer than I thought cause one of them decided to wait until 30 minutes before their appointment to add on Hair and Lashes. Yea I was getting more money, But a bitch was exhausted. Jenn was surprisingly still here, She didn't leave or nothing and since it was late we just made the plan to hang out at my house . "If I brung my car and you brung yours, How are you gonna go to my house?", I asked Jenn as I packed up.

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