Smash Or Pass-𝙹𝚊𝚢 𝙺𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗

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Serenity Williams


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"A YouTube look at my lightskin ass cousin", Buba said putting the camera in my face. "Back Tf up nigga", I said shoving him. "Damn you strong asf", Buba said. "Don't make me embarrass you infront of thes people dick", I said. "Rd you got it chill", Buba said. "Continue with you lil video intro", I said.

He did his intro then he came back over to me, Since he wanted me to help him with the video and be in it. I walked up to the first boy and I instantly recognized him cause him and some other lil boy kept beating up Buba in his YouTube video. "Ain't you the lil nigga that beat up Buba?", I asked him. "My names dd and yes I did", He said. "Where the other at?", I asked. "Right here", I heard a voice call out.

I looked over and saw Ddot looking at me. "Come here", I said. He smiled and walked over to us. "Wassup lil Ashley", I said. "Stop playing before I boom you", He said. "I will beat your little ass", I said. "I'm not going lie, She will fold your ass up", Dd said laughing. "Yea yea, Whatever", Ddot said.

"Anyways Imma start first, Then Dd and then lil Ashley", I said making dd laugh. I walked away from Ddot before he could even say anything else and I instantly walked up to this this fine lightskin. "What's name and age?", I asked him. "My name is Jay and Im 18", He said. "Ain't you with them lil niggas over there", I pointed to Dd and Ddot. "Yea Dd's my lil brother and Ddot is my lil homie", Jay said laughing.

"Bro stop calling us lil niggas", I heard Ddot yell. "Shut up Ashley before I knock your lil ass out", I yelled back making Dd and Jay laugh. "You cute, Let me get your number", Jay said. "Sure", I putting my number in his phone.

"Hell nah, We not doing none of this", Buba said walking over to us. "Fuck up, Before I get them two lol demons to beat your ass again", I said pointing to Dd and Ddot. "You got it", Buba said backing away. "Anyways, The rule of the game is very simple so pay attention or I will kick you Tf out", I said walking back to the middle of the room.

"If you don't listen your out, If you piss her off you out", Buba said. "Dd & Ddot and Rella come here", I said. They walked over to me and stood beside me. "Dd and Ddot will be in charge of the boys and Rella & I will be in charge of the girls. "You putting them lil ass boys in charge of us", Some nigga said. "What's your name", I asked him. "James", He said smiling. "James get Tf out", I said.

Everybody started laughing as he walked out of the building. "Y'all can start now", Rella said. "I'm trusting y'all don't not fuck this up or imma have to beat up Ddot", I said. "This is discrimination", Ddot said as they walked away. "I gotta go get Buba real quick, Can you start with the girls?", I asked Rella. "Yea I got you", Rella said.

I walked over to Buba and he was harassing Dd and Ddot as usual. "Nigga leave my friends alone", I said walking up behind him. "They not your friends", Buba said. "Yes we is, Even Tho she keep trying to fight me", Ddot said. "Let's go", I said pulling Buba ear and walking in the opposite direction. "That shit hurt Serenity", Buba yelled. "To bad", I said.

This nigga dead ass push the shit out of me and I ended up running into Jay. "My bad", I said getting up. "You good", Jay said. "Buba Imma you up", I said running after him. This nigga had me chasing him all around the room and shit. "That's why you can't catch me", Buba said. I pick up a dictionary that was sitting on the table and threw it at him, That mf hit him directly in the head making him fall.

I walked over to him and picked up one of his legs and started dragging him behind the backdrop. I laid him on the couch and put and pillow under his head, Then I walked back out.
"Is that nigga good?", Dd said as Him, Rella and Ddot walked over. "Yea he's just gonna be knocked out for a few and also he might have a mid concussion", I said.

"How you know?", Rella asked. "When we was kids I did the same shit because this nigga knocked over my dollhouse, But that time I threw the lamp at him", I explained. "You crazy es", Ddot said. "Well anyways how did it go", I asked.

"It went well everybody found somebody, Except my brother left mid video and went into another room", Dd explained. "Imma go check on him", I said turning around and walking away. "Period go check on yo Manz", Rella said and they all started laughing.

I found Jay pretty quick, He was in this lounge room that the building had. "Wassup", I said sitting next to him and putting my legs on his lap. "Nun chilling", Jay said. "Why you leave?", I asked. "Cause most of them girls a smoochies and ion want none of them", Jay explained putting his phone down. "Reasonable", I said.

"But what you doing in here, Ain't you supposed to be helping Buba", Jay said. "After he pushed me into you I chased him around the room and when I couldn't catch him, I threw a dictionary at his head and now he's on the couch knocked out", I explained. "Wtf", Jay said laughing. "He got what he deserved", I said.

Then Rella, Dd and Ddot busted in the room, Scaring the shit out of me. "I gotta go to the studio, So you gotta take Buba", Rella said. "Hell nah, I'm not watching him by myself", I said. "How about we come to your house, So you don't be alone with this nigga", Jay said. "Sure", I said getting up. "Wait you go food at your house?", Ddot asked. "Just went grocery shopping", I said smiling.

"Rd bet, Let's go", Ddot said. We helped Buba to my car, He was in the backseat with Dd and Ddot which probably was a bad idea but anyways and Jay was in the passenger seat. "Imma call you when I'm omw to get him", Rella said. "Rd be safe out here", I said before pulling off.

𝔇𝔯𝔦𝔩𝔩 ℜ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now