Best Friends Sister-𝕵𝖊𝖓𝖓 𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗

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Tiana Rivera


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"Girl go put some more clothes on", My brother Tata said as I walked in the kitchen. "First of all this my apartment and I'm older than you sooo", I said. "Our apartment and you have 41k hoodie which I don't know we're you got it from and Nike pro shorts on and the shorts barley covered your ass", Tata said. "Zaire, Stop telling me what to do and go get the door", I said giving my food out of the microwave.

"That's why you look like a midget", Tata said walking to the door. "It's not my fault I stopped growing at 4"9 feet", I yelled. Tata came back with Jenn, Me and her were secretly dating because Tata just be doing to much. "I gotta take a shit, I'll be back in like 45 minutes", Tata said running to the bathroom. "To much information", I mumbled.

I turned around and Jenn was directly in front of me, Almost gave me a damn heart attack. "Jenny", I said lifting my arms in the air. Jenn picked me up and gave me a kiss. "Hey boo", Jenn said smiling. "We should tell Tata that we're dating", I said. "Finally", Jenn said. "Zaire Tasean Rivera me and Jenn are dating", I yelled. "Really", Jenn asked. I shrugged, Then Tata came into the kitchen falling over.

"Say swear", Tata said getting up. "I swear to god", I said crossing my heart. "Shit well since were coming clean, Me and your bestie talking", Tata said. "Twin em", I said. "She not heavy", Tata asked Jenn.

"Nah nigga", She said. Jenn placed me on the counter and stood in between my legs, I continued eating my leftovers. I made chicken Alfredo last night and I made way to much, So it was a lot left. "Give me some", Tata asked. "No nigga get your own", I said mugging him. "Can I get some?", Jenn asked. I put some on a fork and feed it to her, Then I looked back at Tata and stuck out my tongue.

"Wowwww", Tata said getting up and leaving to go to his room. "Wait no I'm sorry", I said. He continued walking away and then I heard a door slam. "He'll get over it", I said shrugging. "I like your hoodie", Jenn said. "Yea cause it's yours, It literally says Jenn Carter on the back and ion know how Tata didn't see it", I said. "Also you need to get dressed because we're leaving in like 30 minutes", Jenn said.

"Ok were we going", I asked hopping off the counter. "Me Kyle and Tata got a performance today and I'm not gonna lie it's gonna be packed", Jenn said. We walked in my room and I went into my closet, I pulled out some baggy jeans and a white graphic tee. I put my clothes on and my black Jordan 1s.

I put my stuff in my black Marc Jacobs snapshot bag and then I turn my closet light off and went back into the bathroom. I currently had bohemian braids, So all I had to do was fix my edges and put moose and oil in my hair. I did the stuff then I put my braids into a ponytail, Cause them mf was long asf they stopped at my calf.

"I'm ready", I said walking into the living room.
"Finally let's go", Tata said. We went downstairs and hopped in the truck, Kyle was in there in the back. "Nah Tiana got that shit on", Kyle said. "Always", I said. "Ok ok", He put his hand up In defense. I wanted to be extra and get on Tata nerves cause why not, So I got out of my seat a sat on Jenn's lap.

He shot me a really look, I smiled and gave him a forehead kiss which made him smile.
We made it to the venue and it was hella people there, Like they were deep es waiting outside to get in. "I would've stay home if I known that it was this many people", I said frowning. "What's wrong?", Kyle asked. "Tiana has social anxiety and when she gets anxious when she's around a lot of people", Tata said.

"You gonna be ok, Come here", Jenn said opening her arms. I walked over to her and she picked me up, Then started walking to the door. Kyle knocking on the building door and security lets us in, There manger came up to us. "Hey Jenn, Kyle, Tata and my personal favorite Tiana", She said. Jenn put me down and I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

" Ha ha she said I was her favorite", I said going back to Jenn. "Y'all go to the green room, While we get these people situated", She said. "I bet all y'all $500 each that I ran faster than y'all", I said. "Bet", They said. "Rd, 1.2.3 Go", I said. We raced to the green room and I won, Straight up dusted all of them. "How Tf you run so fucking fast", Jenn said walking in the room.

"She ran track from 6 to 12th grade", Tata said as him and Kyle came into the room. "All y'all need to run me my money", I said. "How about we take you shopping and get you food?", Kyle said. "Ok", I said. "They just texted, We go on in 7 minutes", Tata Said.

"Tiana, Is you standing on the stage with us", Tata said. "Nah that's shit gonna send my anxiety through the roof", I said. "Well the tv will show the whole performance and there's snacks and stuff so I think you should be good", Kyle said. "Times up, We gotta go", Tata said. Jenn bent down and gave me a kiss, I heard Tata and Kyle gag making me giggle.

"Don't leave this room, Unless you take security", Jenn said. "Ok", I said rolling my eyes. "Don't play with me, You too fucking small and niggas be tripping these days", Jenn said. "Fine I won't leave", I said. "Alright seen you soon", Jenn said giving me one last kiss and then leaving.

I think Imma make a pt2, But ion know

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