Party Pt2-𝓚𝓪𝔂 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝓬𝓴

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Aaliyah Moore

________________________________@TheyHateAaliyah_  Posted 2 days ago

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@TheyHateAaliyah_ Posted 2 days ago

________________________________@TheyHateAaliyah_  Posted 2 days ago

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Liked By @Cblu_180, @officialkayflocka, @LaniLani and 487k others

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Liked By @Cblu_180, @officialkayflocka, @LaniLani and 487k others.

Caption: A letter to my father, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for all the things I left unsaid and for not getting the chance to thank you for being my best friend. You always made me feel so special and laughed at everything I did, I wish I could hear your voice again. As I'm haunted by realization that all I have left to hold onto are fading memories of your sweet voice instead💔.

Rip Dad🕊️, Gone but never forgotten

Sincerely-Your Grown/Little girl❤️

~Comments Disabled~


I haven't left to house ever since I got the news that my father died 3 days ago. After I made that instagram post I put my phone on silent and dnd, Nobody could get a hold of me for the past 2 days. I was laying in bed watching Dynasty on Netflix, When somebody kept repeatedly knocking on the door.

I got up bringing the blanket with me, I made it to the door and when I looked through the peephole it was Kay. "Aaliyah Ik you in there and I'm not leaving to you let me in", Kay yelled through the door. I sighed and opened the door, I pulled him inside the house because he was banging on the door hard es and he was about to get me a noise complaint even tho it was the day time.

"Ik your father died, But shutting people out is not going help it get better and I'm here if you wanna talk", Kay said. I just started crying, Kay pulled me into a hug and all I did was cry into his chest. "I didn't get a chance to say goodbye", I said wiping my tears. "I know I know", Kay said rubbing my back. "Imma miss him so much", I said pulling away from Kay.

"You gotta talk to somebody because everybody is worried about you, We couldn't get a hold of you for 2 days", Kay said. "Well can I talk to you about it?", I asked. "Of Course", Kay said.
2 hours later...

Me and Kay sat on the couch and talked for about 2 hours, He was right talking about it made me feel better. "New York gun violence is insane", I said. "Yea, Lose some of my brothers cause of it", Kay said. "I just know ain't nobody going replace my father and I put that on my soul", I said and Kay nodded in agreement.

I heard the doorbell ring, So I got up and opened it. There was a man holding a box and some flowers with a note inside. "Are you Aaliyah?", He asked. "Yes why?", I asked. "This stuff is from your Linsey Moore", He said. He put the stuff on the kitchen counter and then left back out. Kay came over to me and I opened the note.

~To: My favorite niece
~From: Aunt Linsey

Ik you're hurting and you probably think you don't have nobody, But you still have me. You and your father (aka) My twin have been through our up y'all ups and down but you'll forever be his Little Girl and he loves you very much.

~Love your Auntie🤍

After I read the note, I had Kay open the box. I pulled the stuff out and I smiled myself. I was a hand sculpture that me and my dad made when I was 4, A necklace with a picture of us on it and a couple of my dad's hoodies. Kay picked up the necklace and moved my hair away, He put the necklace around my neck before hugging me from behind.

"I love her so much", I said smiling. "Where you putting the hand sculpture?", Kay asked. "I'm my room", I said pick it up and walking to my room. I had shelves on my wall, So I put it on the on that was next to my bed. I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and then I went back into the kitchen. Kay put the flowers in water and put them in the center of the counter.

"Damn I got a lot of notifications", I said. "By the way you should call Dougie and them back", Kay said. I FaceTime the group chat and they instantly answered. It was me, Dougie, Lani and Cblu in the group chat.

Lani: Thank god, I was worried about you

Blu: Yea don't ever do that again

Aaliyah: I know I'm sorry

Dougie: I see you smiling, Who
Made you back happy.

I turned the camera in Kay's direction and he waved at them.

Blu: I knew y'all would make a
Good couple

Aaliyah: We're not a couple...Yet

"SHE SAID NOT YET", Kay yelled from behind me.

Lani: Y'all so cute

Dougie: Y'all gonna be my new
Favorite couple

Blu: Facts

Aaliyah: But Imma hit y'all later,
So y'all came come over

Dougie: Rd my heart

Lani:Love you Bestie

Blu: Bett

I hung up the phone and turned to Kay who was still smiling from the comment I made earlier. "Omg you gotta gap", I said. "Yea so what", He said dropping his smile. "I love it, It's so cute to me", I said grabbing his face with both of my hands. We stared at each other for a minute, Until I eventually kissed him and he kissed me back.

"They right, We is gonna to make a good couple", I said leaning on Kay. "Fr, But this mean you my girl right?", Kay said. "Of Course", I said smiling.

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