Chapter Three the unknown

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Hi my name commander louis from the yuris international space station. When I saved the world obviously there was a lot of envy from some of the classmates who hated me but it was expected since I was basically famous. I was even asked to be a soldier but refused it because being a traveler was way more fun to me two or three week's after the hybrid incident I was called to the head alien's office beware my current age at this time was nineteen he calmly told me "louis how would you like to go on your first mission as a traveler now I know you have to wait twenty human years to do your first mission but since you did save the world I'll make an exception and you get to keep your suit do you except your mission?". "Yes, sir I do accept my mission but can I also bring along company my age if not a problem is it?" I asked.

"Sure, you can but only if you trust them to help you now you're dismissed you may leave" the head alien responded. As I exited the head alien's office on the out side my expression was serious but on the inside I was as excited as  a two year old on Christmas morning and when my friends Jessica and Austin found out they were over the moon with joy and further when I told them they were also joining me the head alien stated bring people you trust hence I chose my best and most loyal friends Austin's response was "Wait, no way I have been waiting for like my whole life". Jessica's response was "Oh my god, that is cool we're actually going on a mission even though we're not twenty wow!".  My response was "I know right and make it better on mission report it stated and I quit traveling companions will have copies of said louis suit end quit like its really cool but we cant tell anyone". We agreed on this and while the extra suits were being made we all acted normal for a few weeks till the announcement came out that we were doing the mission the mission was to get a part of a mechanical laser used to mine for materials from dangerous territory that only my friends and I can retrieve this part my other classmates were you could say envious yeah that the right word envious.

Before we left for deep space my friends had to train to use the suit therefore I was asked to train them and couldn't be happier because of my experience in the suit my friends would and did learn to use the suits more better and boy did they have to learn a lot but eventually they became used to the suit and was finally ready for the mission ahead. While, docking our space craft it was noticed my me that Austin was very nervous and kind of shaking a bit "What's wrong Austin you okay bud?" I asked concerned "Yeah, I'm just a little nervous and scared at the same time cause we're going into sector five one of the most dangerous territory's but I'll get over it because I have a suit o protect me and after all were on our first mission as travelers and or explorers," Austin responded with courage in his voice "That's the spirit Austin!" Jessica chanted in an uplifting and motivational voice. After, this we were ready and unattached from the main ship on the navigation system it directed us to our destination and the ship was also on auto pilot hence we just had to wait until we reached sector five by the time we got there. We decided to see what types of battle and exploring settings. Out of all, the weapon selections I chose my sword that was used to defeat the hybrids cause it was the weapon that I was most used to. Jessica, chose the double holographic bow, arrow and wrist swords and last but not least Austin he chose the double holographic axes for close combat but for long range combat he used an arm cannon. I also chose a laser blaster it was like a real sci-fi movie from the 1992 come to life.

The navigation system beeped "We have arrived at the only world in sector five would you like to land the space craft on this planet?".  "Yes, please land on the plant Ocnar," Jessica responded. "As you wish,". The ai replied we were here Ocnar the vast unexplored and very dangerous planet the reason this planet is unexplored is because twelve human years ago when this planet was discovered it was said by many that a race of alien monsters had been on this planet eliminating anyone who dare to harm them. Therefore, it's claimed dangerous but we were determined to retrieve what we came for no matter who or what got in our way and complete our mission. The days on this world are two human days long just long enough to get what we came for we ventured out and stumbled upon an alien base in a mountain looking to be deserted as we walked through this cave like structure we were ambushed and were knocked out by unknown people but the legends were true turns out that name of this race was called tucas they were people who were living on this planet for millions of years but that incident that claimed them to be dangerous was kind of true they fought because they were scared but we told them about were we came from and that the incident was not to meant to hurt them but to communicate with other forms of intelligent life then suddenly a village chief spoke "If we were deemed dangerous why did you come back?" I replied "Because a part of a machine we need had fell from a ship to your planet and we were sent to  to retrieve it but unknown to us you ambushed us " The village chief spoke again "We are very sorry but you have to understand we acted out of fear for our lives let them go we know of the part you seek we will give it to you to both apologies and offer and to ask for peace ".

The village chief had lead us to our part of the machine and our world's had peace after years of misunderstanding we were successful in our mission and we retuned safely good bye.

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