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"I stirred quite a scene didn't I?" Naruto chuckled as he jumped the trees to evade getting caught up by the chakra he was very familiar with. He smiled slightly as he felt Kurama's tails curled around his body. He jumped and twisted his body between the branches but he felt Minato closing in on him. 'It's too bad Father, I became faster than you in this life.' 

He picked up his speed but instead of running away, he jumped back to get up close to his former mother who squealed a bit at his sudden appearance. "I suppose you are the reason for your village's shinobi to seek me out." 

The other had stopped running as Naruto towered over Kushina. 

"Y-Yes," She answered. 

"Uzumaki, I've heard that you've wound up in Konoha," Naruto sighed. "Why are you here?" 

"We come in peace," Minato started. "We want to invite you to Konoha." 

Naruto gave him a narrowed gaze as he took in the Ino-Shika-Cho formation and his parents. "Invite me to Konoha? For what purpose?" 

"Konoha and Uzu had always had a close connection and a treaty to help each other," Inoichi started. "Is it really that hard to believe that we might extend a hand when we found you in the bingo book?" 

"I guess not," Naruto sighed. "Truth be told I only became active once my foster parents were buried. I didn't want them to worry about me dying by someone's blade when I started my revenge." 

"Revenge?" Chouza inquired. 

"Those weren't random take-downs for money weren't they?" Shikaku asked. 

"Your observant," Naruto chuckled. "All of them had parents or relatives who played a significant role in the destruction of Uzushiogakure. I kept tabs over the years. Marking who died and who they left behind." 

"Isn't that a bit obsessive?" Minato commented, uncomfortable with the gleam in Naruto's eyes. 

"I suppose you would see it like that," Naruto brushed him off. "You've never had your village wiped from existence." 

His voice dropped in a condescending way that had Minato taking a step back. Naruto however took his gaze back to Kushina who flinched. "And I guess you've forgotten the tragedy as well? Integrating yourself into that sweet little Konoha family I guess." 

"I haven't forgotten," Kushina denied but Naruto laughed coldly. 

"Of course, you haven't," Naruto said in a mock cheerfulness. "You were never there, to begin with." He turned his gaze to the setting sun. "I could feel it all you know. I felt everyone's chakra vanishing, snuffed out like a candle just before bed. It was certainly jarring to feel it all but the main bloodline is connected to all the chakra that has been born in Uzushiogakure." 

"Wait so you could feel my chakra from the beginning?" Kushina perked up. 

Naruto scoffed. "Of course not, I severed those binds when I made it to the mainland. Any Uzumaki that survived that train wreck deserves to live their life their way without having me bound to their chakra network." 

"Rather poetic aren't you?" Shikaku lit up a cigar as it would seem Naruto has no intention of attacking them. He took that moment to take in the Uzumaki. He had changed his appearance a bit since the photo was printed. He now had traditional Uzumaki pearl earrings and a hair clip that pushed one side of his hair back. For all things he was beautiful and the sleeping fox curled around him just gave a more natural feel to him.

"I guess but anyone who survives that slaughter deserves to roam the lands now. Whatever Uzumaki heritage they pass down to their children is just so. We made history already with our death, no need to gather the suffering who have probably moved on from this," Naruto hummed. 

"Wouldn't that include yourself?" Shikaku felt a certain sense of longing for the blonde's figure. 

"I can't," Naruto scoffed at the thought. "I have to do this at least, to not let them walk when my family was put down. Think of it like my personal mission as a way to honor them since I was so useless back then." 

"But is holding a grudge really that helpful?" 

It was the wrong question to ask as Naruto growled loudly, the surrounding birds fleeing. "Excuse me? Holding that grudge is what kept me alive. If anything I'm more disgusted that your village, the village that claimed we were allies never came through for us." 

"Don't listen to Minato Narui he doesn't know anything," Kushina reached out to hold onto Naruto's biceps. "He's an orphan, civilian born." 

Naruto gritted his teeth. "I can smell him on you," He exhaled slowly. "Are you sure you want to open your legs to a man with such insensitivity? I know those three over there would go for bloodshed if their clan was ever wiped from the earth. How am I any different?" 

"I apologize," Minato murmured as Kushina gave him a livid look. 

"Please come back with us Narui," The female redhead pleaded. "I just gave birth to a son, his name is Naruto."

'Thank god I changed my first name, seems I was born a month ago on time but with no Tailed Beast they didn't die.' 

"You'll make a wonderful mother," Naruto caressed her hair, his chakra washing over her as a way to ease her anxious frame. "I suppose you want me to be an uncle?" 

"Yes, we don't have any relatives Naruto could look up to," She leaned into him while Naruto looked contemplative. He chuckled. 

"I have a rather fondness for children," Naruto murmured and the group started to look hopeful. "Alright, I'll see your son." 

Kushina squealed, jumping in a hug. She was happy that she finally had another family member, Naruto's large frame was warm and comforting as he stroked her back. "Thank you!" She started crying. 

Naruto tilted her head up and dried her tears. "Ah, seems you were lonely for so long Hime-chan," He kissed her forehead as she wailed into the chest of her only family. A dam had burst when Kushina realized she wasn't alone anymore, that she still had a family member to turn to.

It took some moments for Kushina to calm down but when she did she was docile and clung to his arm. Naruto didn't mind because he would've probably been the same if he had been in her shoes. Knowing that family was out there, that you aren't the last of your clan was a serious weight off your shoulders. He didn't mind catering to his former mother, well cousin now. He could feel eyes burning into the back of his head, he knew it was Minato but he couldn't find himself caring as he was caught up in Kushina gushing about him or well chibi him. He was happy to know that this version of him would have a family. 

Kurama had started to wake up, snuggling into his neck as he took in his surroundings. 

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