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"The Nara Fixation," Shikaku sighed. 

Narui's eyebrows rose in confusion. 

"In our clan, when one of our own finds something particularly interesting we fixate on it, trying to solve all the puzzles it holds as it continues to develop. We hold our fixations dear, we guard them for the rest of our lives. They can be people or objects but in our case, you are the former for me," He explained. 


"We can't explain it when it comes to the Fixation being human. It's different when it's an object," He licked his lips. "For humans who become fixations, we lose all sense of rationality when it comes to you. You are our soulmate, any romantic attachments prior to awakening the fixation become null and void. You are all I see myself being with." 

Narui turned away, his hands trembling. "Is that why you're leaving Yoshino?" 

"Of course, staying will only make me despise her. She's the mother of my child I can't have Shikamaru growing up in that environment. Besides it would be doing a disservice to her since I no longer love her." 

"You are far more interesting than I gave you credit initially," Narui seemed to be contemplating something. "Is that why you came to me so earlier in the morning?" 

"Yes," Shikaku looked away. "I've been avoiding you and the Fixation doesn't like that. My shadows took me to you so I could calm down." 

Narui stood up abruptly. "I need to think about this," He started, wording his words very carefully. "This isn't a rejection nor an acceptance. I just need to clear my head and get around to the fact that I'm supposed to be onboard with this. I just need some time Shikaku." 

"You can reject me," Shikaku's voice had taken on a sullen tone. "You can reject me, you aren't tied to me. I'm tied to you. You can live a normal life, I would be the only one affected." 

"I find it disturbing that you think I'm such a shallow bastard to leave you like this," Narui cursed. "I don't have a clue what you see in me to become a Fixation but I know damn well I don't want you in pain. Just give me some time. Please Shikaku." 

The Nara nodded and soon Narui left. 

He later found out that Narui had left the village, requesting a vacation. Shikaku felt nervous, especially since he now knew how vulnerable Shikaku could be if there was distance between them. Apparently, Narui had thought ahead. Kushina was the one to find him and give him a key. "It's for Narui's apartment, he said that if you ever felt like it's becoming too much then you should find comfort in his personal space. Would that help?" 

It actually would and from the first night, he and Shikamaru moved in and made themself comfortable. Shikamaru was easily bumbling around, exploring his new environment. Shikaku made dinner for them and before long he found himself cuddling Shikamaru under Narui's blanket. The firewood cologne he wore was heavy in the air but he was taken in by it. It felt like he was being hugged by him. 

Narui was gone for exactly a week. 

During that week Shikaku had finalized his divorce and worked out a custody arrangement seeing as Yoshino moved to another section of Clan's home. The west wing instead of the north wing. They still shared most meals together but Shikaku remained cordial, he had to in order to put some sort of distance between them since Yoshino couldn't move Shikamaru outside the clan grounds. 

He spent his free nights in Narui's apartment, taking in every little detail of how the Uzumaki liked things. He restocked the fridge and even started to figure out what was so great about ramen. It was delicious but he couldn't see himself getting into a near obsession. He acquired a Shogi board. One that was personalized on a black playing board with white playing pieces. He set it up near the balcony that had several plants he took care of. He noted that they were medicinal herbs and some flowers representing longing and forgiveness. Some for yearning and acceptance and Shikaku wondered about Narui's mental state. He was probably fine, if a bit lonely but he figured he decided to talk to the other when they get back. 

Shikaku was having a late drink when the keys in the lock turned. He forced himself to stay still, placing his head on the table and closing his keys. His shadows begged for a closer connection but Shikaku denied it. The door closed, sandals being pulled off, and a quiet sigh as Narui walked from the threshold and into the living room and kitchen area. Narui walked over to him and loosened his ponytail to play in his hair while sitting on the table partially. 

"Aren't you going to welcome me home?" Narui asked softly. "Or are you upset with me?" 

"I could never be upset with you," Shikaku replied immediately as he sat up. Narui smiled and sat at the table fully. 

"You can be," Narui caressed his hair. "I left you alone, that was irresponsible." 

"You needed time, it was the least I could do," Shikaku murmured. "Even if I didn't like it." 

"You're such a softie," Narui tipped Shikaku's chin. "Aren't you being too nice to me?" 

Shikaku didn't answer he just leaned into his touch as an answer. Narui chuckled softly and pulled him up and between his legs. Shikaku's heart was in his throat as he felt Narui's hands trail his upper body, feeling his scars in such a tender way. He was nervous as Narui came up to his face. "I know that I'm not ideal for your partner." 

Narui hummed. "What makes you say that?" 

"I'm not a woman," Shikaku was blunt. 

"I can love a male," Narui tilted his head. 

"While you can, my body is too hard, filled with scars. I'm not even beautiful." 

Narui frowned at him. "Your body is your beauty in my eyes. I'm not a physical man Shikaku, the best pleasure is when our emotions line up. At least your body won't bruise easily. I tend to be rough in bed." 

Shikaku blushed as he felt his hands slip under his nightshirt. Narui didn't even look phased at his embarrassed state. Narui pulled him closer, pressing their chests together. "You're really cute Shika," Narui's voice took a husky tone as he switched their positions. "I've been thinking about it all week." 

"Really?" Shikaku's voice was soft, filled with wonder as he now looked up into those same eyes that captured him. Narui smiled. 

"Yeah," Narui brushed their lips as he pressed their groin area together. "I want to ruin you one day, to know that the cutest Jonin bends to my will at night is certainly arousing. But I want to love you, physical affection helps but I want to know about you." 

Shikaku was in a daze, his body pounding as his blood rushed south. "Narui," He sounded so desperate, calling out in a voice that sounded like a moan. Narui took a shuddering breath as he took note of their growing problems. 

He gave Shikaku a chaste kiss, barely even giving into his mouth that was open and waiting for him. The male beneath him whined but Narui pulled away. This was his punishment for keeping it away from him for so long. 

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