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"Ah Narui, you're lucky," Shikaku spoke as he took the scroll from Narui who had just come in from a mission. It was nearing 10 pm at night when Shikaku had finally decided he should head home to his wife and child. 

Narui stood there in his regular shinobi attire with and calm expression on his face and devoid of the fox companion. "Hmm? I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to be here but I sensed you and decided to come in." 

Shikaku stamped the scroll as completed and placed it in the basket with the others. His assistant would take them out tomorrow. "Are you heading home now?" 

"I think I'm going to head for a drink first, Kurama already made it back home so he's safe," Narui turned to leave but was stopped by Shikaku who grasped his bicep. He looked slightly down at the Nara who seemed a bit embarrassed at his action. 

"Can I join you?" 

"Oh," Narui murmured. "No I don't bar crawl, I usually get sake and head for the monuments," He clarified. "I'm not a fan of crowds." 

"That's fine with me," The Nara found himself agreeing, it was even better this way. 

Narui smiled. "Alright, since this is a special occasion then I should break into my special stash. I have the right thing for us tonight straight from the Land of Rice." 

Before Shikaku could ask Narui slipped an arm around his waist and teleported them to the Hokage Monument. Shikaku stumbled a bit but he was held steady against Narui's harder frame. He looked up, the moon hitting Narui just at the perfect angle for Shikaku to confirm his suspicions. His shadows called for him to get closer, to connect to the redhead, protect him, and hide him away. 

Narui seemed oblivious to his plight as he got the space ready for them by unsealing the sake and glasses. He found a comfortable spot and pulled Shikaku down beside him. 'Why now?' Shikaku thought in anguish. 'Why have you appeared now?' 

He functioned on autopilot, not wanting to startle Narui with the new information. He didn't know how to handle this information. He was married, and he had a child but here was his soulmate by the Nara spirit. He had to will his shadow to get away from the crimson-haired male because he didn't think he could explain why this was happening. 

'Kit,' Kurama's voice echoed in Narui's head. 

'Yeah? Is something up?' 

'Nothing you can't handle but I don't know how to explain it.' 

Narui rolled his eyes absentmindedly. 'Try me fuzzball.' 

'Have you ever heard of the Nara Fixation?' 

'Actually, I have,' Narui poured another drink for Shikaku who seemed dazed. 'Shikamaru told me Temari was his fixation on their wedding day and he was lucky he could marry his. Why are you asking?' 

'Shikaku just found out that you're his.' 

Narui choked on his drink which startled the Nara who stroked his back. "Are you okay Narui?" 

"As good as I'm going to be tonight," Narui responded. "I just remembered something unpleasant." 

"A shinobi?" 

"It's always a shinobi," Narui murmured. 'What the fuck Kurama?' 

'Look at his shadow, these are the perks I get from being able to sense through you, his shadow has been struggling to keep to Shikaku since now that Shikaku is aware they think it's alright to cling to you now.' 

'He's married, he has a child,' Narui was bewildered. 

'Is it enough to defy fate?' Kurama seemed amused. 

'You seem awfully happy about this. Care to share?' Narui narrowed his eyes. 

'I am still a being of chaos. This seems chaotic enough to tide me over.' 

"Of course, that's what this is," Narui spoke out loud. 

"Still mulling it over?" 

Narui sighed. "Yeah, it never gets any easier for things like this." 

Shikaku chuckled in amusement before turning back to the full moon. "Tell me Narui have you ever considered things such as fate or destiny?" 

"Of course, I am a firm believer that fate does play a heavy hand in one's life but it's not a deciding factor when it comes to decisions that feel right but aren't for others involved. Unless you're devoid of empathy then I suppose you'll pick self-gratification every time." 

Shikaku pondered his words while. It seemed as if Narui knew his plight and had given solid advice but he couldn't help the sudden onset of the Nara Fixation taking hold of him. He was going to turn out exactly like how Narui described. He was going to be a selfish bastard unless it involved Narui or his son. The Nara Fixation didn't allow for others to impede on the bond between Nara and his lover unless you were kin. He grimaced to himself at the thought of dealing with Yoshino from now on. 

While he could control himself, play the dutiful husband, and be a strong leader for the clan the thought of Narui perhaps meeting someone else and falling in love made bile rise in his throat. 

"Are you okay Nara-san, you seem a bit ill," Narui leaned closer to cradle his cheek. "Is it the sake? Do you not like it?" 

"No it's fine, just a bit lightheaded," Shikaku leaned into the heated palm, it was ridiculous how at ease he felt knowing that he had the entire attention of Narui. 

"Should I walk you home?"

He wanted to protest, such a thing said in such a voice made it sound like he was a maiden to be watched over. His shadows however preened under the control. If it wasn't obvious Shikaku would be the one to be submissive. Imagine that. A man with his features being submissive, it was laughable. But still, he didn't turn away the offer for the walk home. He nodded, subdued by the warmth of Narui's chakra. 

'You're playing into this,' Was Kurama's cheeky reply to the stunt Narui was pulling. 

'Might as well see where it goes, I wonder what integrity Shikaku has. Granted I'm glad it was now instead of before Shikamaru's birth, that would have been unpleasant to deal with,' He thought back to the Nara that had been his advisor, his best friend. 

'Or maybe you just want to see how deep Shikaku's loyalty to you runs. Having a partner tied to you for the rest of your life rules out the betrayal one feels when one cheats or the soul-crushing agony when your beloved falls out of love. We both know you struggle with trust since that Uchiha ruined the relationship you two once shared for Haruno.' 

'Don't remind me,' Narui growled. 

Kurama laughed before disconnecting. 

"I would like that," Shikaku licked his lips as Narui pulled him to stand up, sealing away the rest of the sake and glasses. 

"Then let's head off."

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